Cadborosaurus Coastal Endurance Regatta
- Apr 23, 2023
- coastal
- Gyro Park
- Victoria, BC (CAN)
- Hosted By: OARCA Coastal Rowing
- Sanctioned by RCA & BC (2023)
Thank you to The District of Saanich for their support in allowing us to use Gyro Park.
Thank you to the Royal Victoria Yacht Club for the use of their safety boats.
Thank you to the University of Victoria for the use of their storage compound.
Thank you to LiteBoat Pacific for the use of their rowing shells.
Thank you to Westcoast Adventures for the use of their rowing shells.
Thank you to OARCA for hosting this regatta.
Thank you to the Cadborosaurus Regatta Organizing Committee for all the work put in to set up our 2nd annual event.
- Janice Mason
- Marla Weston
- Michelle Boss
- Ian Graeme
- Katie Behain-Steenmann
Above all, thank you to the athletes and many volunteers without whom this wouldn't be possible.
We hope to see you all again next year.
York Langerfeld, Regatta Chair