Cadborosaurus Coastal Endurance Regatta

  • Apr 23, 2023
  • coastal
  • Gyro Park
  • Victoria, BC (CAN)
  • Hosted By: OARCA Coastal Rowing
  • Sanctioned by RCA & BC (2023)


None posted. Check back soon or contact the regatta


They will also be posted on the OARCA website:  

Thanks to Katie, we are pleased to show the raw results as well adjusted time based on the average age, taking into account, gender and boat class. This can have a profound affect on your crews placing - as you'll see from the results.  Compare yourselves to similar boatclasses, keeping in mind if you were in different flights, weather and tides can play a factor. In anycase, we all know you entered this for fun.

If you want a really great competitive experience, enter the Western Canadian Beach Sprints on June 2nd and 3rd. Those are ligit head-to-head races.


Check out the "Timing Sheet per Heat (Flight) tab.



You'll recall in lieu of medals we were going to hold a draw for three $50 cash prizes. The stipulation was that it was being held at the end of the regattta once we had your help in packing up.

We started pulling names and, unfortunately, other than one of the LOC members name who was pulled, thus not elible, 9 people lost out. However, we're very pleased to say the winners ended up being 3 members from the GNRC who helped stay behind to help. Thanks for your help.