Cadborosaurus Coastal Endurance Regatta

  • Apr 23, 2023
  • coastal
  • Gyro Park
  • Victoria, BC (CAN)
  • Hosted By: OARCA Coastal Rowing
  • Sanctioned by RCA & BC (2023)

FINAL NOTE as of April 22nd @ 21:00

Well, it's finally here. Now all we have to do is hope for decent weather.

The final draw is in the HEAT SHEET / DRAW tab.

Please note some important information:

BOAT NUMBER - Coastal boats have large numbers on their bow. You are allocated a specific boat so that the Upires know who you are.

BIB NUMBERS - similar to the above, your Bow person (or Solo rower) must wear a numbered bib. This is again so that umpires and your cheering fans know who you are. Please hand them back following your race.

Now it's just up to you to have fun and enjoy the coastal challenge.

REMEMBER - in lieu of ribbons, we will have a draw for three $50 CASH prizes at the end of the regatta following everything being put away. Is this a ploy to get you to help our volunteers take everything down - YES!  Many hands make light work.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, thank you for your participation.

York, Janice, Katie, Marla, Michelle, Zoe & Tim, our CU.



NOTE as of April 20 @ 17:00

To all Cadborosaurus Regatta participants:

Thank you so much for entering our 2nd Cadborosaurus regatta. With record entries (26 entries and 71 athletes) this is indeed a great sign that Coastal Rowing is a happening thing in the Victoria area. Again, thanks to the support of the OARCA club, we are very pleased to put on this years' event.

Schedule: The proposed schedule is now attached under the "Heat Sheet/Draw" tab. This may still change if any late entries come in. Please check back to this page Saturday night/Sunday morning.

OARS/BLADES: If you want to ensure that you can row fast, while we will have some blades available, PLEASE bring your own if you can. (C4x+'s have oars)

Potential course changes: Since we share the waters with the RVYC, who run regattas almost every weekend, we may have to adjust our course layout to ensure we don't cross paths. This will be discussed at the mandatory Captains Meeting. Note, your Captain must attend this meeting.

NOTE: Given the somewhat remote site, please ensure you dress for the weather. PLUS, bring whatever hot beverages you need as we are not able to provide any cooking facilities.

We will have some food available, but it is for our volunteers and officials who makes it possible to host the event.

With the sport still growing we are only able to operate on a bare-bones basis. We still need to rent boats (both rowing and motor boats) and borrow all the other equipment we need to put on the event. Thus our pricing is just a bit higher than we'd like it to be. Still, we hope that you enjoy the event and will return for our 3rd annual about the same time next year.

Also, PLEASE remember to continue the fun and challenge by attending and supporting our annual Western Canadian Beach Sprints Championships being held on June 3rd & 4th at Esquimalt Lagoon.

Any questions, please reach out to me at 250-951-1080

We will be setting up a WhatsApp group for one way communication from the Chief Umpire (Tim) or Regatta Chair (York)


York (Regatta Chair)



EVENT SCHEDULE for Sunday, April 23rd:

 8:30 - 9:45       Practice

 9:45 - 10:00     Control Commission

10:00 -10:20     Captains Meeting 

10:30                Racing starts


WhatsApp Group:

Plesse join the group for updates on the Sunday from the CU and RC.




Results will be Handicapped based on a gender identity and age based system - check FAQ's for more info!