Head of the Rock

  • Hosted By: Rockford YMCA Rowing Club
  • USRowing Sanctioned Regatta

2023 Head of the Rock Rules

Traffic Pattern: Crews shall launch from one of four docks located south (downriver) of the finish line on the east bank of the river and shall immediately cross the river. Boats shall proceed to the start line by crossing to the west side of the river, and arrange themselves in bow-number order as they get near the island. Crews shall not cross the racecourse buoy line while proceeding to the starting area. Crews crossing into the racecourse will be subject to one or more of the penalties defined below. See "Venue" tab for course map.

Lightweights: A lightweight crew is one that complies with the requirements below. An open event is one that is not a lightweight event.


  1. A men’s lightweight crew, including a single scull (1x), shall have no rower who weighs more than 160 lbs.

  2. Men’s Junior and Scholastic crews shall have no competitors who weigh more than 150 lbs.

  3. The coxswain shall not be counted for purposes of this rule.


  1. A women’s lightweight crew, including a single scull (1x), shall have no rower who weighs more than 130 lbs.

  2. The coxswain shall not be counted for purposes of this rule.

Weighing of Competitors: The weight of rowers in lightweight events (Lightweights) shall be determined once each day, no less than one hour and no more than two hours before the scheduled time of the first race in which the weight is relevant. Competitors shall be weighed in racing uniform, without shoes or other footgear. Competitors shall have only one initial opportunity to weigh-in. A competitor within one (1.0) pound or less of the weight standard is allowed one re-weigh within the official weigh-in time window. A competitor whose initial weight is greater than one pound above the weight standard will be ineligible to compete in the event.

Junior Crews: Teams entering into 1st and 2nd Varsity events shall first have a boat entered in the 1st V before entering a boat into a 2nd V event. Note, if the 1st V boat is scratched for non-medical reasons, it is the team's responsibility if a 2nd V boat is entered to promote this boat to 1st V or else the boat shall be excluded from the 2nd V event.

Hot Seating:

  1. Hot Seating boats will not stay in the water. Each crew intending to Hot Seat should pick up a pink Hot Seat Card at the Hot Seat sign between launch docks C and D before launch.
  2. After crossing the finish line, display the Card when approaching recovery docks to allow priority retrieval at Dock A or B. Hot Seating boats will then proceed to the launch docks and display the Card to get priority for safety check.
  3. When safety check is passed, bow number is changed, and 100% of all crew, oars, etc., are assembled at dock and ready to go, the crew will be given priority to launch and will leave the Hot Seat Card with the launch dock crew or return it to the Hot Seat sign (unless the boat will be Hot Seating again for its next race).

All crews are responsible for arriving at the startline in a timely manner with the correct race bow number; hot seating is not an excuse for being late to the start or rowing with the wrong bow number. The presumed violation for either of these actions will be exclusion or promoted to racing as exhibition from that race.

Start Time: Crews shall arrive at the starting area 5 minutes prior to the scheduled start of their race. It is the sole responsibility of each crew to arrive at the starting area on time. Crews arriving late to the start will be excluded. Under no circumstances will a crew be allowed to row for time (exhibition only) if that crew arrives at the start area after the next scheduled event has begun. Crews arriving late will be asked to navigate back along the shoreline while yielding to all passing crews.

Bow Numbers: Bow numbers will be in each team's race packet. Each boat shall have a bow number indicating its place in the starting order. No crew will be allowed to start without the appropriate bow number being affixed to the bow of their boat in a manner that allows the number to be seen by the starter. Crews crossing the finish line with the wrong bow marker risk being excluded if they cannot be identified (better have your bid number on your back and visible).

Starting: The Starter will arrange the crews so that crews cross the starting line at approximately 10 second intervals. Crews are responsible for maintaining the appropriate spacing intervals in the starting chute. Failure to bring your boat up to race cadance while moving through the chute shall be subject to an interferance penalty by the starter (see penalties #3 below).

Right of Way: A crew is deemed to be overtaking another crew when it has moved to within one length of open water of the crew ahead. On those portions of the course that are straight, a crew being overtaken shall move to the starboard and allow the overtaking crew to pass. Where the course turns, a crew being overtaken shall move to the outside of the turn and allow the overtaking crew to pass along the shorter path. Nevertheless, passing is not allowed, nor is the crew being overtaken required to yield, in cases where the overtaking crew’s position clearly prevents safe passage or where there is insufficient room to yield.

Mixed Crews: Mixed crews with unequal gender rowers will be allowed to row, but will not be eligible to medal. 


  1. Where buoys mark the boundaries of the course, and in particular mark turns on the course, a crew shall be penalized 30 seconds for each buoy that the crew passes incorrectly. A crew passes a buoy incorrectly when any part of its hull passes on the wrong side of the buoy.

  2. A crew that misses its correct sequential start order shall be penalized 10 seconds.

  3. Passing in the starting chute shall not be permitted - a crew that fails to maintain open water between its bow and the stern of the boat ahead of it will be penalized 30 seconds.

  4. The presumed penalty for crews arriving at the start after their scheduled start time will be "exclusion." Time will be recorded as "Exihibition" only.

  5. A crew that fails to yield to a crew being summoned to the starting area, or otherwise interferes with the staging of the start, may be penalized 30 seconds by the Marshal or Starter.

  6. A crew that fails to yield to a crew having proper right of way shall be penalized 30 seconds.

Please email [email protected] with any questions

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