Stetson Fall Rowing Rendezvous
- Nov 8, 2014 To Nov 9, 2014
- head/sprint
- Lake Beresford & St. Johns River
- DeLand, FL (USA)
- Hosted By: Stetson University Crew
The First Annual Stetson Fall Rowing Rendezvous gets its theme from the Mountain Man tradition of coming together in the fall for a time of sport and companionship. We at Stetson University, named for John B. Stetson, who made the Stetson hat famous are looking forward to carrying this tradition to our sport of rowing.
The timing of the event, near the end of the Fall season is a great time to bring teams together, compete, and enjoy each others company in a fun and friendly setting.
Stetson University is welcoming all rowers regardless of age, ability, team size and only look for those wishing to show their good sportsmanship and common goals in helping the sport of rowing continue to grow in Central Florida.
Teams will have the ability to show their stamina in a traditional 5k head race, their guts in a 750m sprint and their endurance in a 17k loop row through the 'jungle' on Sunday morning. The loop row can be done as a tour as well as a race. Survival is the best reward!
Food and Fun will also be scheduled for the event.
2013 Regatta Rendezvous is completed. Thank you to everyone who made it a success, Thank you to the teams that raced and survived the Jungle Crewz.
2014 Regatta will be held on November 8-9, 2014. We all look forward to having you and your team attend!
Mark Wilson