Sarasota 5000
- Sep 30, 2012
- head
- 800 Blackburn Point Road
- Osprey, FL (USA)
- Hosted By: Sarasota Scullers

Sarasota 5000 Head Race Course
The race course is located south of Blackburn Point Park and takes advantage of the varied natural environment of the navigable water including the dredged Intracoastal Waterway (ICW). The Marshalling Area and Start Line are located approximately 5000 m south in the mangrove channel north of the Albee Bridge, the course follows the relatively open water of Blackburn Bay, close navigation through the mangroves coming north through the manatee zone before opening out into Dryman Bay and an exciting finish just before the bridge at marker 32 in full view of the spectators on Fisherman’s Island.
The total length of the course is approximately 4750 meters.
Masters handicaps will be calculated.
This course follows some of the mandates of a traditional head race by providing some close turns and navigation one would find in racing in a river environment while providing a manageable course for novice coxswains for their first race in the head race season.
Local crews: will launch from their current boatyards and pass under the Blackburn Point swing bridge, then follow Water Traffic Instructions below.
Visiting crews: will launch from the temporary floating docks installed on Fisherman’s Island, just east of the swing bridge.
NOTE: some visiting crews may be directed to launch from the Scullers / SCRC boatyard.
Recovery: will take place in the same area as your Launch area.
Crews launching from Scullers / SCRC Boatyard: (West of bridge with water launch)
1. Launch from SSYRP / SCRC Lagoon.
2. Exit Lagoon & make immediate u-turn into ICW Southbound.
3. Head South through Blackburn Point Swing Bridge
4. Follow instructions 3 thru 10 for boats launching from Fisherman’s Island.
Crews launching from Fisherman’s Island: (East of bridge w/temporary docks):
1. When traffic is clear, head due West towards the ICW.
2. Fully cross the ICW.
3. Turn due South immediately before the ICW “No Wake” marker on west side of channel.
4. Stay near western edge of ICW heading south.
5. Keep fairly close to the GREEN ICW markers; but keep markers on your starboard side.
6. The only tight location is the area between RED 28 and GREEN 23, where you pass through a narrowing due to mangrove islands.
Northbound racing crews will pass close aboard to port between markers Green 29 to Green 23.
Follow instructions of water safety launches & personnel near Markers 29 & 23.
7. After Green 23, proceed South past the starting line (Red 16) to the Marshalling Area.
8. Marshalling Area starts at the small wharf/dock on the west side, down to Red 14.
9. Turn Northbound no later than RED 14.
10. Stay on eastern edge of ICW between RED 14 & RED 16 until called by the marshal.
1. When racing northward, keep all ANCHORED course vessels to your STARBOARD.
2. Crews will proceed in numerical order and as directed by the marshal into the chute.
3. Chute starts to the west of a series of white plastic stakes south of RED 16.
Stakes & Chute will be marked with buoys on race day.
4. The Start Line vessel will be anchored EAST of RED 16.
5. Crews will pass between RED 16 and the Start Line anchored vessel at full pressure.
Expect approximately 15 seconds separation between each crew at Start Line.
6. From Start Line, while in Blackburn Bay, the race course will be EAST of the ICW.
The western edge of the course from the Start until Marker 22 is the RED even
numbered ICW channel markers. ICW markers are on your PORT side.
7. Vessels will be anchored approx every 750m to form the east edge of the race course.
Keep any anchored vessels in this area to your Starboard.
Additional buoys may be placed in line with these vessels.
Do not go east of anchored vessels or you will find shoal water.
8. The area between RED 20 & RED 22 is specified as Referee Control (Yield) Zone # 1.
In the interest of safety, a Referee will patrol this area in a roaming launch.
Note: Referees, at their discretion, may instruct racers in this area to Yield to a boat
attempting to make a pass.
Failure to comply with the Referee's instructions (i.e. Failure to Yield) WILL
result in a penalty of up to 45 seconds added to your time.
The racer being passed must yield to allow for execution of a safe pass by the other
boat to be completed before the racers reach RED Marker 22.
9. At RED 22: (at the north end of Blackburn Bay), there will be another anchored vessel.
This vessel will display an American flag & a “Start No Passing Zone” banner.
Racing crews join the ICW traffic pattern from RED 22 thru RED 28.
10. The area of the course between RED 22 thru GREEN 25 is a No Passing Zone.
Northbound racers must travel single file through this area.
11. GREEN 25 & the anchored vessel paired with it mark the end of the No Passing Zone.
This vessel will have a Referee aboard and mark Referee Control (Yield) Zone # 2.
Note: Referees, at their discretion, may instruct racers in this area to Yield to a
following boat to start a pass at GREEN 25.
Failure to comply with the Referee's instructions (i.e. Failure to Yield) WILL
result in a penalty of up to 45 seconds added to your time.
The racer being passed must yield to allow for execution of a safe pass by the other
boat to be completed before the racers reach RED Marker 28.
12. It is recommended that all boats travel past RED 28 in single file if possible.
Racing crews can now take a straight shot for the Finish Line from RED 28.
The shortest line of the race course is now again EAST of the ICW.
Keep large ICW Channel markers numbered RED 30 and higher on your Port side.
13. East of RED 30, a small side channel joins the ICW; this is denoted by small markers.
An anchored course vessel will be stationed at the site of these small channel markers
to help funnel crews safely through and towards the Finish Line.
14. Finish Line: formed by line of sight from RED 32 & No Wake sign w/Osprey Nest
eastward to anchored launch.
15. Recovery - Visiting crews: turn east; recover on the floating docks on Fisherman’s Island.
16. Recovery - Local crews: turn west; go through bridge to return to SSYRP / SCRC lagoon.