Alberta Indoor Rowing Championships

  • Mar 9, 2024
  • indoor
  • Blackfalds, AB (CAN)
  • Hosted By: Central Alberta Rowing Club
  • Sanctioned by RCA & AB (2023)

Event Notes:

All events except Masters and Coxes event will be 2,000m. Team relay will be a total of 2,000m.

If there are more than 15 entries in any event, heats will be created.  The winner of the event will be determined as the athlete with the fastest time, regardless of their heat, for that event.  Events may be combined to facilitate scheduling. 

If for some reason an athlete has to leave early to attend another sports event and would consequently be unable to race, then the coach must notify the event organizer (Andy Nokes) by email ( before March 6th, 12pm, such that a solution can be found.

Event Categories:

Junior B: Under 17, cannot turn 17 in the year of competition

Junior A: Under 19, cannot turn 19 in the year of competition

Senior B: Under 23, cannot turn 23 in the year of competition

Senior A: Open

Master: Age 27 or greater (the Garrett Zezza Handicap System will be applied).

Novice: Athletes who began rowing on or after September 1st, 2023

Lightweight Women:  61.5 kg (135 lbs) max.

Lightweight Men:  75 kg (165 lbs) max.

Note: There are no weight categories for junior, novice, and master events.  There will be weigh-ins between 8:30 and 10:45am or at least 30 minutes before the athlete’s race. There is no limit on the number of weigh-ins. In the case of an athlete not meeting the lightweight weight, they will still race in the Lightweight event, but they will be placed in the corresponding non-lightweight event (i.e. Senior A or B) for their race position.



The entry fee is $28.85 (includes RCA set fee) per athlete for rowing club affiliated athletes and $33.85 (includes RCA seat fee) for non affiliated athletes.  This includes the light buffet lunch.  Rowing club affiliated athletes, please pay your entry fee to your club manager, who will pay the Central Alberta Rowing Club by cheque or etransfer ( All entry fees to be received prior to start of racing.  Invoices and receipts will be issued by CARC, if requested.

Each club will be responsible for collecting the individual entry fees from their members.

There will be no Refunds after the Draw Deadline (12pm, March 6th). This is because it will be too late to cancel lunch for the person(s) concerned. Also, the RCA seat fee will be billed to CARC after the above deadline, whether or not the athlete races at the event.

In order to avoid clubs or individuals having to foot the bill for athletes who have scratched after March 6th, 12:00pm, the CARC will consider substitutions (Late Entries) up until 12pm on the day before the event.

There is a 2.79% Merchant Processing Fee for use of credit cards. This is deducted from your registration fee. Hence, it is in our interest to use the Etransfer or cheque means of payment. This processing fee also applies to any credit card refunds.

Additional entries, not covered by this invoice, shall be paid on the day of the race, either in cash, etransfer ( or by cheque to Central Alberta Rowing Club.

For independent athletes not affiliated to a club, please pay on the Regatta Central website.