Overpeck Summer Sprints

  • Hosted By: Bergen County Rowing Academy

This regatta is intended as a late summer season regatta for all ages.

The event numbers will not be the order of the races on race day.

Composite teams are permitted.

Coxswains do not need to weigh in.

Athletes may participate in as many events as they desire as long as they are able to fit in the races according to the event schedule without delaying races. We will not change the order of events to accommodate hotseating.

Race Distance (Juniors & Open):  2000 m    

Race Distance (Kayak/Canoe):  2000 m

Race Distance (Middle School, Novices & Masters):  1000 m

Race Distance (Dash Events): 500 m


Overpeck Lake features a 4-Lane-2000 m-Course, a 7-Lane-1000 m-Course, and a 7-Lane-500 m-Dash-Course.

Junior and Open events will have Time Trials and Finals:

1-4 Entrries: Straight Final

5-8 Entries: Time Trial; Top 4 advancing to the A Final 

9-12 Entries: Time Trial; Top 4 advancing to the A Final; 5-8 advancing to B Final

13+ Entries: Time Trial; Top 4 advancing to the A Final; 5-8 advancing to B Final; 9-12 advancing to C Final

Time Trial will be schedule first on Saturday Morning

Finals will be scheduled for Saturday Afternoon following the 1000 m Youth Events

A Finalists will receive gold, silver, and bronze medals.


For all 500m and 1000m events each flight is a Final with a gold medal awarded to the winner.

Midde School events are open to rowers who are U15 as of July 28 (Regatta Day), or who have graduated from 8th grade in 2024.

Junior Events are open to any U17 or U19 athletes. A Junior is a rower as defined by USRowing 4-104.1 Classication by Age: "A Youth is a Competitor who in the current calendar year does not attain the age of 19, or who is and has been continously enrolled in a secondary school as a full-time student seeking a diploma.  A Competitor thus ceases to be a Youth after December 31 of the year of his or her 18th birthday, or of the year in which he or she completes the 12th grade of secondary school, having been a full-time student, which- ever is later.

Junior Novice events are open to rowers who have never competed in any rowing event before July 30, 2023.

Masters Novice events are open to rowers who have never competed in any rowing event before July 30, 2023.

Masters Rec Single events require the use of a Recreational Single such as a Maas, another wider boat, or singles with pontoons.

Dash Events are open to rowers of any age, weight, or level of experience. If you have more than one entry (especially in the singles) please rank them by experience level (A = top experience level) so we can seed the heat more fairly.

Junior Lightweight categories:  Women = 130 lbs. / Men = 150 lbs.

All Mixed Events should have a maximum of 50% men and a minimum of 50% women. If the event has a coxswain they may be either sex.