Nancy Storrs Ontario Indoor Rowing Championships
- Feb 24, 2024
- indoor
- Ridley College Field House
- St. Catharines, ON (CAN)
- Hosted By: Ridley Graduate Boat Club
- Sanctioned by RCA & RO (2023)
All Competitors: Please bring indoor shoes. We want to keep the warmup and race area as dry and clean as possible.
Weigh Ins: All weight category athletes must weigh in at least 1 hour prior to race time. A practice scale will not be available, but athletes are allowed to test weight on official scales. If weight limit is exceeded the athlete will still be allowed to race at their scheduled time, but their result will be placed in the appropriate category in the final results, and they will be ineligible for Top 10 t-shirts. Please make sure to enter the appropriate weight category so all athletes will have a chance at the coveted Top 10 t-shirts sponsored by RegattaSport and Hudson Boat Works
Erg Purchase: We have purchased 35 brand new Concept2 RowErgs for this championship that are available for purchase. This year’s price is $1350 CDN. Please email ridleygraduateboatclub@gmail.com or johnpaulsrows@gmail.com if you are interested in purchasing an erg.
Indoor Rowing Day In Canada: We are excited to announce that Indoor Rowing Day In Canada conicides with the Nancy Storrs Ontario Indoor Rowing Championships! All meters rowed at the event will be tallied and submitted, joining athletes across the country as we try to beat last year's tally of 4,736,260m. Indoor Rowing Day In Canada