South Side Smackdown / Tiro Cup
- Hosted By: Chicago Training Center
We at CTC welcome all participants to the South Side Smackdown and the Tiro Cup! Race categories are as described below. Eligibility is especially important for the races that form the Tiro Cup and the middle school Tiro Cup, which will be awarded at the conclusion of the event.
ALL participating athletes must complete an event waiver: fill out before competition day and send to rachel.clendenning@chicagotrainingcenter.org OR bring to the event OR fill it out at the event
Master: any rower who will be 36 years old within the calendar year 2024 may compete in this category. This corresponds to anyone in category B or older of the USRowing masters classifications. No team affiliation necessary
Open: any rower may compete in this category. No team affiliation necessary
Collegiate: any rower who is currently a member of their collegiate rowing team, club or varsity
Junior Varsity: any high school aged rower who is no longer considered a novice
Junior Novice: any high school rower who is currently participating in their first indoor season; any high school rower who has rowed for fewer than 365 days
Middle School: any middle school rower, regardless of years of rowing experience
Mixed: refers to events that have both men and women (or boys and girls); for events with an even number of participants, each team must field equal numbers of men and women (or boys and girls) for their entries to be valid. The mixed middle school relay teams must be split 3/2 (for a 5 person team).
Note: any rower may elect to move 'up' to a more competitive category. There are only lower limits on categories, except for the masters category.