Gator Head Regatta
- Hosted By: Gainesville Area Rowing, Inc.
VIEWING: There is viewing of the course from the GAR facility. The finish line is directly in front of GAR! There is also mid-point viewing at Palm Point Park.
PALM POINT: There is a second viewing location, Palm Point Park, one mile away on Lake Shore Drive. There is very, very limited parking so we ask that you please carpool if possible. Palm Point will have a very clear and close view of the mid-point of the race course.
BIKING TO PALM POINT: You may choose to ride a bike down there to view the races. To do so, head South from the GAR field on SE 74th Street. Follow the left curve in the road to Lake Shore Drive then continue South for approximately one mile. There will be a sign on the left for Palm Point Park. Lake Shore Drive is a two-lane road that follows the lake. It DOES NOT have a bike lane and cars are not always accommodating to pedestrians on that road. Please wear a helmet and be very careful on this road. It would be a beautiful ride for an experienced adult but not a safe ride for small children on bikes.
EARL POWERS PARK: Powers Park is public access. You may use the park’s substantial pier to watch the beginning of the race and there is some parking there. THERE WILL BE NO TEAM OR FOOD TRAILERS ALLOWED AT POWERS PARK. There will be no one from GAR monitoring this park during the event. THERE ARE NO SHUTTLES RUNNING TO THE PARK. However, if you would like to take your car there to view the activity at the starting point of the race, the pier is great for spectators and there are public access bathrooms.
CAFE GAR: Café GAR will be located at the GAR rowing facility, 151 SE 74th Street. Breakfast and lunch items, including vegetarian and gluten free option, will be available for purchase for purchase. Cash and credit cards accepted. Menu coming soon!
T-SHIRTS: We will have long sleeve tech shirts with our Gator Head logo. These shirts have been pre-printed so they will last a long time! Please visit our T-Shirt Tent and grab your shirt, credit cards will be taken at this location.