American Youth Cup Series I

  • Hosted By: Sarasota Crew
  • Sanctioned by Florida Scholastic Rowing Assoc.

New Information

Hi everyone - 


Thank you for your resilience and flexibility.


Unfortunately we will be cancelling all B finals, 2x, 2-, and 1x races tomorrow. We will also cancel the Middle School 4x, 4x+, and 1x races. We will attempt to run flights of the Middle School eights in a different format tomorrow.


Our goal is to get as much racing in as we can safely run. We are very disappointed to have to cancel any races and we hope that we can at least provide a racing experience tomorrow.


Launching can begin at 0720. Racing will start at or as close to 0800 as possible


Important information

- All crews will launch and recover from the awards dock/beach

- We will launch two events at a time - the events are broken up into pairs. Men's Youth 8 and Women's Youth 8 will launch together... Men's 2nd 8+ and Women's 2nd 8+ will launch together... 

- We will run the pairs of races every 30 minutes as you can see on the schedule, 7' minutes between the races in each pair.

- All crews within the pairs will launch from the awards dock and proceed south towards the 2k starting line. We will then spin all crews and do floating starts from the 1750 mark on the race course and race through the finish line.



Launch all Mens Youth 8+s, all Womens Youth 8+ starting at 0720.
All 20 crews row towards the 2k start line with the marshals

Mens crews will align at the 1750, Womens crews just behind them

Mens crews will race, Womens crews will race

Once those crews have crossed the finish line, the 2nd eights for both men and women will be allowed to go down to the dock to launch and then follow the same procedure. 

We will follow the same process through the end of the schedule.


Bow Cards

Please pick up your bow cards from the finish tower floor 3 starting at 0700 - you can pick up all of your bow cards at once.


Link to Race Schedule

Updated Race Schedule for tomorrow can be found here

Lane seeding is not complete at this time. Event entries are complete. We will do our best to account for the wind conditions in our seeding. We will complete this as soon as possible.


Thank you again for your flexibility. We are obviously disappointed to have to cancel any races. We hope the conditions allow us to complete even this abbreviated and trimmed schedule. We may still end up having to cancel. An announcement will be made via email and over the PA if we need to make any further adjustments as well as updates on crew timer.



