Head of the Des Moines
- Sep 23, 2023
- head
- Prospect Park
- Des Moines, IA (USA)
- Hosted By: Des Moines Rowing Club
- USRowing Sanctioned Regatta
HOTDM Vendor Information
Vendor Tents, Equipment, and Space: Vendors must provide their own tent and equipment. Standard vendor space will accomodate a 10x15 tent with merchandise extending no more than 6 feet from the tent. Addiitonal space will be reserved by request, at an addiitonal fee. Exceptions may be made for Boat Exhibitors.
Electricity: Electricity will be provided an additional charge of $25. Please contact us if you will need electricity.
Vendor Layout: All tents and vendors are located in an area around the event registration setup. Your assigned location will be shared the week of event.
Reservations: Email the vendor information below and mail payment of $150 per standard vendor space by 09/14/2023. Any submissions after the deadline will be subject to a $50 additional charge. Make checks payable to Des Moines Rowing. Send To: Liz Bryant, C/O Des Moines Rowing, PO Box 872, Des Moines, IA 50304
Permits: Each vendor is also required to secure a vendor permit with the Des Moines Parks & Recreation Department, 515-237-1386. Please tell them it is for the Regatta.
Cancellations: Should it become necessary to cancel your reservation, notify DMR immediately. Registration fees will not be refunded if notification is received after 09/14/2023.
Required Information: If you would like to become a HOTDM vendor please email the following information to regatta@desmoinesrowing.org
Company Name:_______________________________________________________________
Company Address:_____________________________________________________________
Onsite Contact:________________________________________________________________ Email:__________________________________ Telephone:___________________________
Product Line Description: _______________________________________________________