St. Louis Gateway Regatta

  • Hosted By: St. Louis Rowing Club
  • 2016 Registered Regatta


SLRC GATEWAY REGATTA 2008 Final Information_Packet

Many Thanks to all who came from distances great and small to row with us.  Even with a wicked quartering wind for the first 500 meters were able to have some very close and exciting races.  The results are now posted. 

In summary when we started at the 6:45am coaches and Coxswain's meeting we had planned on doing 11 heats and 37 final races. By combining what races we could we accomplished all but 10 of those with only a 45 minute wind delay from 4 to 4:45. Of the 10 races we missed, 3 were SLRC boats only and were rescheduled for this week. The remaining 7 races affected 6 of the 13 clubs that attended.  We closed the dock at 7:00pm so crews could get de-rigged packed and on the road before dark. We are sorry for the inconvenienvce that may have caused. 

Thanks also to all the volunteers, many who were not SLRC members, who gave so much of their time, talent and good humor to the event.

Best to all and see you next year in June when the winds will be calm and the temperature in the 70"s.


Rein Zeidler

2008 St. Louis Gateway Regatta



Notice: As of 6-26-08 there is no major flooding for the Gateway Regatta venue (Creve Coeur Lake).  NO anticipation of cancelation!


6:45:00 AM     Coaches & Coxswains Meeting  
7:10:00 AM     First call to the water  
7:50:00 AM 1a heat Mens Open 1x   (6) 1
8:00:00 AM 1b heat Mens Open 1x   (5) 2
8:10:00 AM 1c heat Mens Open 1x   (5) 3
8:20:00 AM 2a  heat Womens Open 1x   (6) 4
8:30:00 AM 2b heat Womens Open 1x   (6) 5
8:40:00 AM 22a heat Mens Open 2x   (6) 6
8:50:00 AM 22b heat Mens Open 2x   (6) 7
9:00:00 AM 41a   heat Mens Novice 1x   (5) 8
9:10:00 AM 41b heat Mens Novice 1x   (4) 9
9:20:00 AM 7a  heat Womens Open 2x   (4) 10
9:30:00 AM 7b heat Womens Open 2x   (4) 11
9:40:00 AM 1F final Men's Open 1x final  (6) 1
9:50:00 AM 2F final Women's Open 1x final (6) 2
10:00:00 AM 3a split finals Womens Masters 1x  (4) 3
10:10:00 AM 3b split finals Womens Masters 1x (4) 4
10:20:00 AM 4a split finals Mens Masters 1x   (5) 5
10:30:00 AM 4b split finals Mens Masters 1x   (5) 6
10:40:00 AM 6   final Mens Masters 4+   (3) 7
10:50:00 AM 7 final Womens Open 2x final  (6) 8
11:00:00 AM 10   final Mens Open 4+   (4) 9
11:10:00 AM 11   final Womens Open 4+   (4) 10
11:20:00 AM 12a split finals Mens Masters 2x   (5) 11
11:30:00 AM 12b split finals Mens Masters 2x  (4) 12
11:40:00 AM 15   final Mens Jr 1x   (7) 13
11:50:00 AM 16   final Womens Masters 2x   (6) 14
12:00:00 PM 19   final Mens Open 4x   (3) 15
12:10:00 PM 20   final Women Ltwt 4+   (2) 16
12:20:00 PM 23   final Mens Masters 8+   (2) 17
12:30:00 PM 24   lunch LUNCH    
1:30:00 PM 22 final Mens Open 2x final  (6) 18
1:40:00 PM 25   final Womens Masters 8+   (1) 19
  29   final run w/WM8+  Womens Ltwt 8+   (1) 20
1:50:00 PM 26 final Mixed Masters 4x   (5) 21
2:00:00 PM 27   final Womens Jr 2x   (2) 22
2:10:00 PM 28   final Womens Novice 8+   (3) 23
2:20:00 PM 30a split finals Mixed Masters 2x   (5) 24
2:30:00 PM 30b split finals Mixed Masters 2x  (5) 25
2:40:00 PM 31   final Womens Jr 1x   (2) 26
2:50:00 PM 32   final Mixed Open 2x   (5) 27
3:00:00 PM 34a split finals Mixed Masters 4+   (4) 28
3:10:00 PM 34b split finals Mixed Masters 4+  (4) 29
3:20:00 PM 35 final Mens JR 2x  (4) 30
3:30:00 PM 36   break BREAK     
3:50:00 PM 37 final Mixed Masters 8+   (2) 31
4:00:00 PM 38 final Mens Novice Rec 1x  (3) 32
4:10:00 AM 39 final Mixed Novice 8+ (2) 33
4:20:00 PM 42   final Womens Open 4x   (3) 34
4:30:00 AM 43 final Women's Novice Rec 1X (3) 35
4:40:00 PM 44   final Womens Novice 1x   (3) 36
4:50:00 PM 41F  final Mens Novice 1x   (6) 37

6-27-08  After much input we have decided:

1. Mastesr races with greater that 6 entries will be split by age.

2. All other races requiring heats will be run first in the am, all heats together.

3. All races with no entries were cancelled.

4. Heat sellection was first done randomly and then changes were made as input from coaches and rowers was received.

5. Two races with a single entry were combined.

The schedule will be sent to all coaches/regatta coordinators this evening.

With all this we are sure there will still be problems.  We'll make every effort to make sure all can row.


We will cancel all races with zero entries.

Several suggestions have been made regarding races with more than 6 entries. They include:

1. Break up Masters races by age and run as a final

2. All others be devided into heats and either:

A. Schedule a final later in the day


B. Award medals to the top 3 boats by time. 

Please comment

6-23-08  Email sent to all registered coaches and team coordinators:

Dear Coaches and Regatta Team Coordinators:

Allow me to introduce myself. I am the representative from the St. Louis Rowing club for this year's Gateway Regatta.  I've already met a few of you in person and many via email.  The flooding has NOT affected our lake so we are on for Saturday.

Our first order of business is to finalize the schedule.  As you may know this is a ticklish activity as any one change can cause many hot seating or arrival/departure time problems.  

We will do everything in our power to get the job done quickly and fairly. 

The more you help with this task now the better the schedule for all teams.  

The plan is to start the races at 9:00am and run on 10 minute centers.  Hot seating is defined as 2 or fewer races between people or equipment duplications. 


First we will be removing from the schedule, those races which have no entries.

This will move some races together which previously had a sufficient gap as to not cause hot seating.  Please advise us immediately if this is the case.  If we do not hear from a team we will assume there are no conflicts.


While this is being worked we are also making an effort to get other SLRC members to enter races that currently have only one entry.  You may be able to help here as well. Specifically we would need to make up at least one more team for:


Men's Open 4+

Women's Open 4+

Women's Masters 8+

Women's Juniors 2X

Women's Novice 8+

Women's Light Weight 8+

Parent/Child 2X


We really need your help to network with each other and our staff to save these races as soon as possible.


Finally, since we have a 6-lane course several races with more than 6 entries will require either heats or that the race is divided into 2 races by either age or other criteria.  Please comment on this as well.


Men's Open 1X

Women's Open 1X

Women's Masters 1X

Men's Masters 1X

Women's Open 2X

Men's Masters 2X

Men's Open 2X

Mixed Masters 2X

Mixed Masters 4+


Best to all and again thank you for registering for this year's Gateway Regatta.

See you this week.

Rein Zeidler
49 Webster Acres
St. Louis, MO 63119
Cell: (314) 369-7439
[email protected]

As of 6-22-08 we have 132 entries from 13 clubs. We will be meeting to hammer out a newschedule now that we know races that must be dropped due to NO entries. We will also be deciding which races can be broken into 2 by age and which will be broken into 2 heats with a final. Finally we'll are making every effort to add SLRC teams so as to make at least 2-boat races out of those current scheduled with only one entrant.  All of these activities may cause hot seating problems for individual crews. Please comment on the process at [email protected]

(The Packet above matches the most current schedule and will be updated along with the RegattaCentral "Schedule" tab as per the history below):

6-17-08 The MIxed Masters 4+ was erroneosly moved. It should have been the The Women's Open 4X. That error has been rectified.

6-16-08 The folks from Denver will not be affected by moving the Mixed Masters 4+ and the Tulsa crew is bringing their 4+ so boats are no longer a concern. For these reasons we are changing the schedule as requested.The Mixed Masters 4+ will be moved to later in the day between events 42 and 43.

6-14-08 Several SLRC coaches have asked that we evaluate the boat inventory in light of other possible club entries. Also other clubs may have already expressed concern that some individuals need the races run earlier in the day so as to catch flights home in the evening. We are considering holding off on the proposed change until more clubs register and we can get their direct input. Please comment to [email protected]

6-13-08 New request below. All coaches please comment. If no problems from other coaches

will make the change as of 6-14-08.

Just one final request. We are thinking about entering a mixed master 4+
but it is right next to the Women's Open 4x. Is there anyway you could move
the mixed 4+ later in the day? Maybe between events 42 and 43?

6-12-08 As of this date the Schedule has changed. The Mens and Womens Masters 8+ races have been moved to just before and after lunch respectively.  The change is reflected in the RegattaCentral Schedule below and the Information Packet above.

6-11-08 PROPOSED Schedule Change:

From : Tim Franck, Head Coach of SLRC       To:  Rein Zeidler Chair of Gateway Reagtta

Subject :Schedule Change

If we move the Men's Masters 8 to Just before the lunch break and move the Women's Masters 8 to just after the lunch break, that should take care of the conflict with the Mixed Masters 4+ and shouldn't really effect other events. This change will be made as of June 12th if no further discussion is recieved at [email protected]

Thanks to all coaches considering Gateway.

6-9-08 **Schedule Change** The Mixed Masters 4X race has been moved to just after the lunch break.

6-7-08 Proposal to move the final race (Mixed Masters 4X) to right after lunch.  All current and

prospective teams please comment to [email protected]. Deadline for comments 6-9-08.

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