Head of the Trent Regatta
- Oct 5, 2019 To Oct 6, 2019
- head/sprint
- Peterborough Rowing Club
- Peterborough, ON (CAN)
- Hosted By: Peterborough Rowing Club
- Sanctioned by RCA and ROWONTARIO (2019)
2019 Rules for the Head of Trent Regatta
With the move towards a 2 day regatta we have the ability to open up the events to allow for more participation from a wider range of club athlete. A full event list can be found below as well as the daily schedules.
As you can see on Sunday we've added skill level designations to the events to help athletes and coaches find an events that will best suit the crew's abilities and goals. These are following the 2015 Rowing Canada Athlete Development Pathway. We use the following short forms:
L2T/T2T - Learn to Train / Train to Train, which is geared towards newer athletes who are not regular racers and are looking to take part in a large regatta but are not yet ready for the longer distances races.
L2C/T2C - Learn to Compete / Train to Compete, which is geared towards athletes and crews who are proficient rowers and are still gaining racing experience especially on a single lane river course.
T2C/T2W - Train to Compete / Train to Win, which is for the experienced racer who is comfortable competing on a river course and has experience doing so.
Please be conscious of the events you are entering proper event selection will help ensure safety for all competitors and a quality experience for all.
ALL Coaches and Competitors should read and be aware of the regatta rules as they are important for safety and fairness.