Head Up the Creek
- Mar 3, 2019
- head
- False Creek
- Vancouver, BC (CAN)
- Hosted By: False Creek Rowing Club
- Sanctioned by RCA and Rowing BC
The following images are screen shots of the current starting order - late entries have not yet closed and I understand there are some entries still to come. Crews are sorted into an order based on past results, my knowledge of the crew, and my assumptions from what I have seen at regattas elsewhere. And it includes feedback from someone I know on the inside at another club (without going into details).
The Gold Standard is based on a 5 KM version of the RCA Gold Standard and includes calculations based on age using age adjustments for those over 27 or under 23 based on RCA Masters Age Adjustments (you can call them handicaps).
Please note that these gold standards are much more difficult to attain than the Head of the Charles standard we used in previous years. Where last year several crews beat that standard, this year crews will need to be rocket ships to get over 80% of it (there aren't turns, tides or ferries crossing the course at the Olympics).
If you see that a change ought to be made given your knowledge of the crews involved, please send your thoughts to regatta at falsecreekrowingclub.ca... thank you. There will be pauses in the start sequence to help clear the course somewhat before the turn to avoid drama to some degree.