NW Ergomania - Indoor Rowing Championships

  • Hosted By: Pocock Youth Rowing

Registration for NW Ergomania 2017 is now closed. Check out the Event List tab for the schedule of events.


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Attention potential CRASH-B qualifiers:

Book your room for CRASH-Bs early! There is a block of rooms with a discounted rate of $119.00/night plus taxes set aside at the Royal Sonesta Boston hotel for CRASH-B qualifiers. You MUST book your room by 1/23/17 to get the discount. Rooms can be cancelled 24 hours in advance without penalty if you decide not to attend.

Book by phone: Royal Sonesta Boston 617-806-4200
Mention the group CRASH-B to get the discounted rate.

Book online: RoyalSonestaCRASH-B2017

Rooms in this block are available on a first come, first served basis. Once all rooms are booked, there are no more available at that rate. If you have questions, contact the Concept2 Indoor Race team at indoorracing@concept2.com.