Tail of the Fox - Wisconsin
- Oct 2, 2016
- head
- St. Norbert College Campus
- De Pere, WI (USA)
- Hosted By: La Baie Verte Rowing Club, Inc.
- 2016 Registered Regatta
Questions? Please contact:
Steve & Paula Engelhardt, Regatta Co-Chairs, LBVRC
(920) 826-7831 (Home)
For specific inquiries:
Entries -- Paula Leier-Engelhardt; 920-737-9811 (cell); pjleier@gmail.com
Boat storage; lodging on campus -- Roger Shellman; 920-499-7475; eshellman@new.rr.com
Anything else -- Steve Engelhardt: (920) 347-5783 (work); s.b.engelhardt@gmail.com