Boulder Sprints
- Jun 25, 2016
- sprint
- Boulder Reservoir
- Boulder, CO (USA)
- Hosted By: Boulder Community Rowing, Inc.
Directions to Boulder Reservoir
Directions: From CO-119, turn west on Jay Road. Just past the fire station on the corner of CO-119 and Jay Road, turn north onto 51st Street. Head north for about 1.5 miles on 51st Street. The entrance to Boulder Reservoir will be on the right.
Admission to Boulder Reservoir: Boulder Reservoir is a recreation facility managed by the City of Boulder and they normally charge a daily admission rate to enter the facility. The regular admission rate will be charged for all who enter (Adults: $7.00, Children under 18: $4.00, Seniors 60+: $5.00).
Parking: Parking is available for all competitors and spectators in the large parking lot adjacent to the Beach House. There is limited parking in the lot next to the equipment staging area. This area is reserved for car-top carriers only. All others may drop their equipment off near the staging area but please park your car in the main lot next to the Beach House.
Boat Inspections: The City of Boulder requires all boats entering Boulder Reservoir to be inspected for Aquatic Nuisance Species, such as the zebra mussels. Reservoir staff will inspect all incoming boats participating in the regatta between 5:30 and 6:00am. The inspection cost is $10 per vehicle (new lower price). This means that a trailer will be charged a flat rate of $10. The inspection area is located to the left just past the reservoir entrance gate. This includes boats on trailers and car-top carriers. The reservoir will bill BCR for all inspections conducted on Race Day. The boat registration fee can be paid at the time of registration through Regatta Central. Any vehicles with boats that do not pay ahead of time will have to pay the BCR staff member at the time of the inspection.
Trailers: After inspection, trailers should continue down the main road to the trailer parking area. Trailers should approach the parking area from the west side. See the attached map.
Car-top Carriers: Cars transporting boats should park in the parking area located below the trailer parking area, closer to the reservoir shore. To cut down on the traffic in areas where equipment is being unloaded and transported to the equipment staging area, please enter the parking area from the east side of the lot. See the attached map.