Wayland-Weston Invitational Regatta
- May 8, 2016
- sprint
- Lake Cochituate - North Pond
- Wayland, MA (USA)
- Hosted By: Wayland-Weston Rowing Association, Inc.
- 2016 Registered Regatta
Sunday's schedule and notes:
* Boat trailers--must park accurately within the area assigned on the Site Plan handout to ensure room for everyone
and sufficient circulation.
* Team Buses--after dropping off student-athletes at Wayland Town Beach lot must park at Wayland Middle School, 201
Main Street, Wayland, 1 mile from Town Beach.
* Food trailers--after dropping off supplies at Town Beach, must park either at Cochituate State Park shuttle bus stop--
see Parking and Shuttle Map handout--or at Wayland Middle School, 201 Main Street, Wayland, 1 mile from Town
06:15 Referees’ meeting
06:30 Parking shuttles start running between Wayland Town Beach and free regatta parking at Cochituate State Park--
see Parking & Shuttle Map handout.
07:00 Police detail on duty for parking and traffic assistance
07:30 Coaches & Coxswains meeting at boathouse
08:00 Referees’ launches depart from beach
08:20 1st call for crews in Heats race #1 to bring boats and oars from parking lot to launching area
09:00 Heats race #1 start
12:10 Last Heats race start
12:20 Lunch break
13:00 1st call for crews in Finals race #1 to bring boats and oars from parking lot to launching area
13:20 Referees’ launches depart from beach
13:40 Finals race #1 start
15:50 Last Finals race start
After last race, coaches are asked to have their crews police around their trailer and food tent. Good sportsmanship is
a crew tradition. All coaches and crews should be sure to attend the closing ceremony and cheer for fellow competitors.
16:30 Medals & closing ceremony
17:30 Parking shuttles last run
Handouts for competitors and fans:
Instructions for Teams, https://www.dropbox.com/s/qgi7ln14fa4y4wn/WWIR%202016%20Instructions%20for%20Teams.pdf?dl=0.
Program, https://www.dropbox.com/s/po66wdtvnk59chx/WWIR%202016%20Program.pdf?dl=0.
- Parking & Shuttle Map, https://www.dropbox.com/s/407jw8kv2mj8s12/WWIR%202016%20Parking%20%26%20Shuttle%20Map.pdf?dl=0.
- Site Plan, https://www.dropbox.com/s/ambmh6rslkvljbl/WWIR%202016%20Site%20Plan%208.5%20x%2011%20Print.pdf?dl=0.
- Coxswain's Course & Start Map, https://www.dropbox.com/s/wpb43wni7rudvmg/WWIR%202016%20Coxswain%27s%20Course%20%26%20Start%20Map.pdf?dl=0.
Docking Tips for Typical Wind Conditions, https://www.dropbox.com/s/u6zbjh7j8ncc1mn/WWIR%20Docking%20Tips%20for%20Typical%20Wind%20Conditions%205-2-15.pdf?dl=0.
WWIR Race Course Aerial Photo, https://www.dropbox.com/s/28bnlaah7qj484a/WWIR%20Race%20Course%20Aerial%20Photo.pdf?dl=0.
- Official Regatta Shirts, https://www.dropbox.com/s/pnqd77h5c36kijf/WWIR%202016%20Official%20Souvenir%20Shirts.pdf?dl=0.
- Directions to Regatta, 25 Parkland Drive, Wayland, MA, http://www.mapquest.com/maps?address=25%20Parkland%20Dr&city=Wayland&state=MA&zipcode=01778.