• Hosted By: Tulsa Youth Rowing Association

call 614.360.2922 ext. 106 and ask for Amanda!

TYRA 2K Rules and Regulations

Event Classifications

  • Open - No age restrictions

  • Openweight - No weight restrictions

  • Lightweight – See weight restrictions below.

  • Collegiate - Participant must be enrolled in college or university

  • Junior – Restricted to entrants in high school (or lower grade) born on or after January 1, 1998, i.e. students who are 18 or under and will not turn 19 at any point in 2016. Junior age is calculated based on calendar year.

  • Under 13 - Participant has not reached the age of 13 by December 31st, 2016.

  • Under 14 - Participant has not reached the age of 14 by December 31st, 2016.

  • Freshman - Participant is currently enrolled as a freshman in high school.

  • Novice - Participants started rowing after July 1st, 2015.

  • Under 17 - Participant has not reached the age of 17 by December 31st, 2016.

  • Teen (14-17) Participants age determined as of race day.

  • Adult (18-39) Participants age determined as of race day.

  • Masters (40+) Participants age determined as of race day.

  • Master 30-39 No handicapping, age is determined as of the actual race day.

  • Master 40-49 No handicapping, age is determined as of the actual race day.

  • Master 50-59 No handicapping, age is determined as of the actual race day.

  • Masters 60+ No handicapping, age is determined as of the actual race day.

  • Corporate Racing - No Age Restrictions

Team Competitions

  • Teams will consist of 4 participants.

  • The race distance for a team event will be 1km

  • Mixed teams must consist of 2 male and 2 female athletes.

  • All corporate teams must consist of 2 male and 2 female athletes.

(Note: High school students ineligible by their birth date for the Junior events may race in the Junior heats, but their times will be designated as High School competitors and where possible ranked within the Open results.)


The format of the TYRA 2K WOD will be as follows -

600m row, 30 Air Squats, 500m row, 30 Sit Ups, 400m row, 30 Push Ups, 300m row, 30 Burpees, 200m row

Participants will be judged on successful completion of each rep on the specific exercise portions on this WOD. If the rep is not deemed to be executed correctly it will not count and will have to be reattempted until the participant has reached 30 reps in a particular set. In addition, exercise repetitions cannot be started until the specific distance has been rowed on the ergometer (to the attending judge’s satisfaction). For example, if the rower is tasked with rowing 600m and the readout on the ergometer says that only 595m have been rowed the rower will not be permitted to continue to air squats until the readout says that 600m has been rowed successfully. Additionally, TYRA2K participants must complete the WOD in the order listed above with no exceptions.

Weigh-In Procedure
There will be a weigh-in station set up for all weigh-ins. All lightweight rowers must weigh in on race day. If weigh-in is successful for athlete, they will be provided with a wristband to verify that they have completed the weigh-in process.

Weight Restrictions

Junior or High School Lightweight Women: 135 lbs max

Junior of High School Lightweight Men: 155 lbs max

Masters/Open/Collegiate Women: 135 lbs max

Masters/Open/Collegiate Men: 165 lbs max

Coxswain Men: 125 lbs max

Coxswain Women: 115 lbs max

Warm Up

There will be warm-up ergometers located for use by competitors only in the gym.

Misc Rules and Regulations

  • All participants will take part in the competition on Concept2 Model D Ergometers for each event.

  • Participants are allowed to set the drag factor to any setting BEFORE the race. Once the race has started no further adjustments should be made. Adjusting the drag factor will result in immediate disqualification.

  • Rowers must use their own names when participating.

  • All participants must wear a shirt and shorts on the event floor, including the warm-up area. Uni-suits and al-in-one are permitted.

  • The use of headphones is discouraged due to safety reasons.

  • Individual 2km and TYRA2K WOD are finals only. Some events will need multiple heats to allow all athletes to compete. The best overall time in each of these events will be the winner. Medals will be awarded for the top three places in each of the individual categories for the Individual 2Km