Michigan Club Invitational Regatta
- Jul 25, 2015
- sprint
- Argo Pond
- Ann Arbor, MI (USA)
- Hosted By: Ann Arbor Rowing Club
- 2016 Registered Regatta
Trailers must be pre-authorized.
Event entries and Club entries are capped. This regatta is routinely fully subscribed well before the entry deadline.
No Refunds for Entries Scratched after July 17. Fees are not capped.
Fees must be paid at time of registration by credit card. No late payments or other methods of payment accepted.
Please make sure you indicate ranking of your entries according to expected boat speed (e.g. A = fastest, B = next fastest...etc.)
Only pre-authorized Boat Trailers will be permitted in the park! You must have an authorization permit from the Regatta Director to bring a trailer into the park. See the "Contacts" page for information on contacting the Regatta Director.
Due to the overwhelming popularity of MCI and limited room for parking trailers and staging boats, only 15 trailers will be permitted in the park. No trailer with fewer than 4 boats will be authorized. Clubs in any one city are encouraged to trailer together.
Clubs which are not allowed to park a trailer may arrive on Friday, unload boats, and park their trailer off-site.
Please read parking instructions carefully. Parking space is limited and we depend entirely on the generosity of local businesses to make space available for athletes and spectators. Please respect the property owners and follow the directions of our parking marshalls.