RCA National Rowing Championships

  • Nov 7, 2014 To Nov 9, 2014
  • sprint
  • Elk Lake
  • Victoria, BC (CAN)
  • Hosted By: Victoria City Rowing Club

Many thanks to all who made the regatta a success: athletes, coaches, VCRC volunteers, and RCA staff.


ote: Weather advisory in effect for Sunday.
Please check back after 7:00 AM for updates.

Please email the regatta/event host with any related questions


Note:  The NRC LOC is allowing late entries until 8:59 Pacific Time, Oct 30 2014.  The requirement for acceptance for registration, is the entry fee will be double.


Bulletin 1 http://www.rowingcanada.org/sites/default/files/2014_nrc_bulletin_no_1.pdf

Please review Bulletin 2 for important information.

Bulletin 2 (English)

Bulletin 2 (French)

RIGHT OF ENTRY for Registering Athletes

All athletes must be registered with RCA as competitive rowers.  With the adoption of the new RCA Web Registration System (WRS) each individual athlete must log into the WRS and create their own personal profile at their club and ensure their information is correct.  The respective club must then confirm, in WRS, that the athlete is registered.  The respective provincial rowing association would then need to confirm the registrations status, in WRS, for each athlete they intend to enter in the NRC, prior to making an entry.  Likewise, RCA High Performance would need to confirm, via WRS, that the National Training Centre athletes HP is considering entering in the NRC, are registered with their respective club and province, prior to making an entry.


Course Open for Racing:

The Course will be open for launching  at 7:15 am on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It will not be open for training Friday, Saturday, Sunday mornings.

Training Times
The race course will be open for training
Monday Nov 3-Thursday Nov 6, 7:30 am-3:30 pm

Friday Open 15 minutes after the last race  Closed 4:30 pm

The course will not be open for training before racing starts on Friday, Saturday or Sunday, or after racing on Saturday or Sunday.

Rowing will be restricted to the race course, using the flow pattern as outlined on the Training Flow Pattern map. There will be no rowing on the lake outside the area designated on the Training map.
Please launch from the "Lakeside" dock and land on the "Highway" side dock as indicated on the map.

Safety Boats
The Regatta Organizing Committee will not be providing Safety Boat coverage during training times.
4 Safety Boats will be made available to coaches.
Coaches are asked to  "book" use of a Safety Boat on the signout board by the Launch dock.
There must be at least one safety boat on the water for every 9 athletes.
Safety boats are restricted to Lane 4 and are expected to "putter" in the designated section to avoid creating wake.
Safety boats are expected to provide safety coverage for ALL crews on the course.

Racing Flow Pattern
Please familiarize yourself with the Racing Fow Pattern.


Time Trials

Athletes will be marshalled into bow number sequence and directed towards the race course.

The time trial will be 1750m, to allow for a short row into the start. Athletes will be started at 25 second intervals and will race in Lane 3 (odd number bow markers) and Lane 4 (even number bow markers).  


Weigh Ins

The FISA maximum weight for a single male sculler (72.5 kg) shall be permitted in the lightweight single sculls events as well as in the lightweight pair oared events.  The FISA maximum weight for a single female sculler shall be 59 kg plus an allowance of 1 kg, making the maximum permissible weight 60 kg. Weights for athletes in a crew boat will not be averaged.

The weigh-in protocol for athletes as described in the FISA Rules of Racing [FISA Rule 31] shall be followed at the NRC with the following exception:  athletes will be permitted to weigh-in wearing summer weight colours; the summer weight colours are not required to be provincial / territorial / NTC issue.

As per FISA Rules of Racing, Lightweight rowers shall be weighed in not less than one hour and not more than two hours before their first race of each lightweight event in which they are competing,each day of the competition.

Weigh in will take place in the Spracklen Room. The test scale is not calibrated to the official scale. Once the official  weigh-in starts (see times below) the official scale will be closed for test weighing.

Official weigh in times

Friday 8:07 am-10:51 am  and 12:52 pm-1:52 pm

Saturday 7:36 am- 10:04 am

Sunday  7:28 am-1:29 pm