Head of the Indian Creek

  • Hosted By: Miami Beach Watersports Center/Miami Beach Rowing Club
  • USRowing Registered (Self-Insured regatta)


Due to very strict requirements in the City of Miami Beach, we are providing tents in the park at no cost to
the teams. 10x10 tents will be set up 3 feet apart and may not be staked into the grass or moved. Please let
me know if your team will need 1, 2 or 3 tents. We will allocate tents for each team. Space is limited in the
spectator area and each team may have up to 3 tents. If there are additional tents available once each team
has a tent(s) they may be allocated to larger teams on request. Please do not bring any tents, generators or
grills. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding of our efforts to be in compliance on city property.