Row for the Cure - Denver (Mile High Sprints)
- Jan 26, 2013
- indoor
- Crossfit - South Denver
- Denver, CO (USA)
- Hosted By: Rocky Mountain Rowing Club
Mile High Sprints & Row for the Cure 2013
Denver’s Crash B Qualifier
January 26, 2013
CrossFit South Denver (MAP)
Races for Everyone!
There’s an event for everyone, don’t be bashful, come out and enjoy a row!
2000M CRASH B Qualifier
Row a 2k, beat the qualifying time for your age and have C2 send you to Boston!! We sent 4 racers to Boston last year!
500 Meter Sprint
Set the world on Fire with a 500 sprint! Go out strong, you can hold on!!
30’ or 60’ Minute pieces
Don’t want to do a sprint? Do a 30 minute or 60 minute power piece!! Rack up those meters!! The racer with the most meters wins!
Team Racing
Want to race with a friend? We are adding men’s, women’s and mixed double events for 2013. Share 2000 meters with a friend, share the fun!!
Parent & Child Race
Share a 1000 meter race with you son/daughter, compete together.
Row for the Cure
After you are done racing (or as part of your warm-up) row a 20 minute piece for meters and get your friends and family to pledge to Row For The Cure. This can be done either on a fixed donation or a pledge on an amount per meter.
Survivor Row
We will have a 1000m race for breast cancer survivors. All participants are winners!
CrossFit WOD
At the end of racing, we will be doing a timed heat for the men’s and women’s WOD (workout of the day). This will involve rowing and 2 other CrossFit movements.
Entry Fee is $20 for adults and $10 for junior/college rowers and it includes a full day of racing as many events as you would like!
There is an event for everyone, come out and join the fun!!
Questions? E-mail me!!
-Mark Lodmill
Mile High Sprints Organizer 2013