Eastern Rowing Association Championships

  • Jul 7, 2012 To Jul 8, 2012
  • sprint
  • Olympic Basin
  • Montréal, QB (CAN)
  • Hosted By: Montreal Rowing Club / Club d'aviron de Montreal


Contact us

Please feel free to contact the Organizing Committee with any question you may have; we will try and respond to your question as fast as we can.

Alternatively you can contact:

  • Rejean Beauregard, Chairman of the Organizing Committee (leave him a message and he would call you back):
    +1 (514) 861-8959.

Mailing Address

Eastern Rowing Association a/s Montreal Rowing Club

1, circuit Gilles Villeneuve
Olympic Basin, Notre-Dame Island, Parc Jean Drapeau
Montreal (Qc) 

Tel Office: +1 (514) 861-8959