New England Junior & High School Regional Championship Regatta

  • Hosted By: Regatta Point Community Sailing, Shrewsbury High School Crew


Race Course description should read (point 10 in Instuctions)


The course will run from the Narrows to the DRC for novices and sculling events.  The Varsity course will run from the Shrewsbury side of the big island, straight up through the Narrows (Novice & Sculling Start) and Arch 4 (2nd from Shrewsbury shore) of the Rt. 9 bridge, ending at the DRC. 


Note 4b reads:

Crews should keep the line of buoys to the PORT side of the boat at all times.


Race Distances:

Novices & Sculling: 2 miles

Varsity: 2.5 miles