New England Junior & High School Regional Championship Regatta
- Oct 9, 2011
- head
- Lake Quinsigamond
- Worcester, MA (USA)
- Hosted By: Regatta Point Rowing, Shrewsbury High School Crew
- 5/13 - Please see the Overview page for the preliminary regatta packet.
- 5/14 - The organizers wish to make it clear that although the schedule may be adjusted for more or less entries, the order will stay the same and will NOT be adjusted to for coach's needs.
- 7/8 - Fee cap reduced to $600
- 7/8 - 2nd/3rd Novice 8+'s added (Medals, but no team points will be awarded)
- 9/10 - Novice Quads added!
9/19 - As you know we have great 3-inch medals. We also have Boys, Girls and Overall Team Trophies; and starting this year, Varsity Boys and Girls 8+ trophies. If you want a trophy in another event, please contact us about sponsoring a trophy.
- 9/24 - Registration Deadline extended to Wed. 9/28. Lineups are due at the late registration date, October 5th. REMINDER: No double rowing in sweep events.
- 9/30 - REGATTA PACKET CORRECTION: Registration & Coxswains meeting will take place at Regatta Point in Worcester, NOT the DRC.
- 10/1 - Schedule updated to include times. *Subject to change w/ any entry changes.* We will allow Novice and Sculling medals to be picked up at 12:00 (prior to awards at 2:30) at the Regatta office at the Regatta Point boathouse.
- 10/6 - Entries now closed. E-mail staff to make changes. Draw Posted under "Heat Sheet/Draw" tab.
- 10/7- See VENUE for correct decription of the racecourse.