The Jamestown Counter Revolution

  • Hosted By: The Jamestown Counter Revolution Committee

Back in November of 2008 through a number of emails and phone calls with Doug Kidder, Steve Wells and Rich K., we decided we needed another big open water event on the east coast to compliment the Blackburn Challenge and serve as host race for the North American Open Water Rowing Championship. We spent a few days exploring Narragansett Bay and quickly decided Jamestown was the perfect location. After exploring the island we thought it would be perfect for a rowing and kayak race and later decided to add outriggers and any other classes we could think of, it really is a great course.

A week later we got together with the town folks in Jamestown who welcomed us with open arms and came up with a course, starting point, finish venue and a plan to make it all happen. It's shaping up to be a great event. We hope you will join us for our inaugural race!

Let me know if you have any questions of comments.
