USRowing Youth National Championships

  • Hosted By: USRowing
  • USRowing Owned

Saturday Practice


Update: 6:27 p.m.: We are now launching for practice. Last launch will be at 7:00 p.m. and all boats must be off the water by 7:30 p.m.

Update 6:08 p.m. : Due to weather, we are continuing to delay practice. Our last possible practice launch time is at 6:20 p.m. If weather does not allow us to launch by 6:20 p.m., we will cancel practice.

Update: We are aware of the difficult weather conditions we've faced today, but we are keepng practice open tonight from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. We are relying on coaches to continue to stay vigilent about being aware of dehydration and sun protection.


Awards Ceremony 

We will host two awards ceremonies at the stage next to th grand stands. 

11am - Events 1-17

1pm - Events 18-39


Schedule & Heat Sheets 

Click here for the schedule.

Click here for the heat sheets.

Click here for the results.


Traffic Patterms

Click here for Tuesday and Wednesday Practice Day maps. 
Click here for Time Trial map. 
Click here for the Sprint Racing map. 


Trailer Information 

Please fill out this form with how many trailers you will be bringing on site and at what time. 


Coaches & Coxswains Meeting 

The Coaches & Coxswains meeting will take place on Monday, June 5 at 7:00 p.m. ET. Please click here to register. 

Click here for the recording of the Coaches & Coxswains Meeting.

Click here for the slide deck of the Coaches & Coxswains Meeting.


Spectator Ticket Information 

Click here for spectator ticket information.


Volunteer Sign Up

Click here to sign up to Volunteer at the 2023 USRowing Youth National Championships. All teams are required to have one volunteer per team to work a shift. Please click here for the USRowing Volunteer Policy. 


Petition Form 

Click here for the link to the 2023 USRowing Youth Nationals petition form. 


Coach/Support Staff Roster Reminder

As it was in 2022, USRowing is asking all coaches and support staff who will need access to the team restricted areas, such as the launch and recovery docks & trailer areas etc., to also register for this event on RegattaCentral. When logging in, you will see on the left hand side of the webpage, a tab  that is labeled “SafeSport”, where you will input coach and support staff names, and then SafeSport compliance will be checked. All coaches and support staff must be on this list prior to the start of the event, and must be compliant with the Safesport requirements, to receive accreditation wristbands upon arrival to the venue. 


Team Tent Rental 

Click here to reserve a team tent at the 2023 USRowing Youth National Championships.


2023 Graduation Ceremony

Click here to list your graduating seniors and nominate a 2023 senior class speaker.

USRowing is excited to host the 2023 Graduation Ceremony on June 7 at 6:30 pm (ET) at Nathan Benderson Park for all graduating senior athletes! As part of the ceremony, seniors from each team will be recognized for their accomplishments and receive a USRowing diploma. All athletes’ name must be submitted by June 4 at 5:00 pm (ET) to ensure all senior athletes receive a diploma.

USRowing is looking for a senior class rower or coxswain to address the 2023 senior class with a 2-3 minute speech during the graduation ceremony. Coaches must nominate the senior athlete using the form provided below to be considered for the senior class speaker. All nominations must be submitted by June 4 at 5:00 pm (ET) for USRowing staff to review the nominated participants. The speaker will be announced via RegattaCentral on June 5 at 5:00pm (ET).


2023 Graduation Ceremony Senior Class Speaker

Congratulations to Nicolas Nadal from Miami Rowing and Water Sport Center for being selected as the 2023 Senior Class Speaker! We look forward to hearing you speak at the graduation ceremony tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. 

Congratulations Nicolas! 


Contact Sarah McAuliffe
Phone 609-751-0711
  Information Packet
Sanctioned by  
Chief Referee Duncan Hudson
Juniors Yes
High School Yes
Middle School Yes
Collegiate No
Open No
Masters No
Elite No
Para Yes
Inclusion Yes
Entry Fees (USD)
Standard Cost
Per Athlete Fee $70
Plus taxes if applicable