Head of the Gorge and Tail of the Gorge Regattas

  • Hosted By: University of Victoria Rowing Club
  • Sanctioned by RCA and Rowing BC (2021)

COVID Backgrounder

This plan is based on and is consistent with guidelines from Rowing BC, Rowing Canada Aviron, ViaSport BC, WorkSafe BC and the BC Center for Disease Control (BCCDC) The plan also complies with Covid-19 guidelines for the regatta venue as set out by the City of Esquaimalt, the City of Saanich and the City of Victoria and the University of Victoria.

There is a strong acknowledgement that even though participants are double vaccinated, there is evidence that one can still contract COVID 19 with that vaccination.  We strongly recommend social distancing continue to be an aspect of all participant behaviour, regardles of whether or not you have seen members of other clubs in some time. 

The Local Organization Committee (LOC) for the Vikes Fall Classics comprises itself of:

  • Aalbert Van Schothorst, Head Men’s Coach, University of Victoria
  • Sean Carnduff, Regatta Chair
  • Gordon Sund – Chief Umpire
  • Jane Gumley - COVID 19 Safety Officer 


To protect the health and safety of Regatta athletes, coaches, coaches, umpires and volunteers (collectively, the regatta participants) and to protect the health of our communities by preventing the spread of COVID-19. 

Communication Plan

This plan is approved by the Local Organizing Committee and shared with the regatta participants through Regatta Central. It will be updated if necessary and changes communicated to participants via Regatta Central.

COVID Safety Officer

The Craigflower site will have a station for the COVID Safety Officer.  The COVID Safety officer will patrol and make recommendations to create a safer environment when/where possible.  Please support the direction given to ensure the comfort and safety of all participants.

The COVID Safety officer will remove regatta participants who do not follow the procedures outlined in the COVID 19 Safety Plan.

Foot Traffic Pattern: Parking Area, Staging Area, Field of Play, and Spectator Area:

Parking for umpires and race officials will be reserved in the parking lot adjacent to the Esquimalt Gorge Park, St. Michaels University Rowing Club/Gorge Narrows Rowing Club, the Victoria City Canoe and Paddling Club and Craigflower Elementary School.  Parking for all others will be in a drop off situation or with vehicles parked at the local Canadian Tire across the bridge. 

There will be ample signage to dissuade the general public from intermingling with the regatta participants.  

The field of play is defined as the waterway once a crew is launched.

The public washrooms and paths through will remain open to the public as they are part of a thoroughfare. 

The key components of this plan address:

  • Masks
  • Daily Health Check
  • Contact Tracing
  • Hygiene, Cleaning and Sanitizing
  • Local requirements
  • Water rescues
  • Stay Home if You Are Sick


Clubs are respectfully requested to ask parents and supporters to remain away from the regatta site.  There is ample space along the course to settle in and spectate for the Head of the Gorge and the bridges along both races are a spectacular space to watch. 

Any parents driving athletes to the site are requested to also do the daily COVID 19 screen. 


The City of Saanich will not permit trailers to unload before Saturday morning to manage COVID overnight for the first night. In unloading on Saturday morning programs are requested to be self sufficient and not count on other clubs to help unload.  Teams will be designated parking spaces and waterfront for launching in a way that supports minimal overlap in contact.  


It is strongly recommended that all regatta participants and spectators wear masks.  Those who are not fully vaccinated (two weeks after the second shot) must always wear masks, except athletes when they are in their boat.

Daily Health Check

All individuals onsite at the event are required to complete a the BC Health Self Assesment tool and submitting to their head coach.   Those who have not completed the daily health check app must confirm their lack of Covid symptoms with their club COVID19 officer  when they enter the staging area. 

All Umpires will provide a digital COVID19 screen via text to the chief umpire and be able to show that screening to the volunteer at the entrance.  All teams attending will provide their head coaches or designated COVID Saftey Officer  with their daily COVID screen and that individual will report into the Regatta COVID Safety Officer. 

Key Stakeholder Contact Tracing 

  • Officials and Volunteers:  The LOC will maintain lists of volunteers and the hours they assume their duties through Ivolunteer.
  • Umpires: The Chief Umpire will maintain a list of umpires and hours on their various assignments.
  • Athletes:  Athlete information will be tracked by the sign-in times recorded at the control commission.
  • Spectators: Will operate at their own risk as the field of play is defined as “having launched on water”.

Clubs should be prepared to provide a complete list of their athletes in the event contact tracing is needed.

Contact data source data will be retained by the LOC for two weeks after the event.

Hygene, Cleaning, Sanitizing 

Hand sanitizer will be available at the entrance way at key entry points to each of the launch sites, the umpire staging area in the pavilion, the control commission and the finish tent.

Frequent hand washing is encouraged.  At a minimum, hands should be washed upon arrival and before departing. 

Hand washing facilities will be available in the washrooms for each site. 

Water Rescues 

This procedure applies to safety boats and umpire chase boats to the extent they are actively involved in a water rescue. If an athlete in the water wants or needs to enter the rescue or chase boat, all individuals in the boat must immediately mask-up. Masks will be provided by the LOC.  If possible, the athlete should put on a mask provided by the rescuer prior to entering the boat.  If not, the athlete should put on a mask immediately upon entering the boat. The rescuer should ask the athlete if she/he has exhibited any Covid symptoms and in the event the athlete is at risk, both the rescuer and the athlete must leave the venue immediately upon returning to the dock.

Stay At Home If You Are Sick 

All regatta participants are responsible for watching for symptoms of COVID-19. These include, but are not limited to, cough, fever, shortness of breath, sore throat, stuffy nose, loss of sense of smell, headache and/or fatigue. (See http://www.bccdc.ca/health-info/diseases-conditions/covid-19/about-covid-19/symptoms for complete list.)  Symptoms can range from very mild to severe.

Contact Sean Carnduff
Email carnduff.s.r@gmail.com
Phone Please contact regatta via email
  Information Packet
Sanctioned by  
Chief Umpire/Referee Not yet posted
Juniors Yes
High School Yes
Middle School No
Collegiate Yes
Open Yes
Masters Yes
Elite Yes
Para Yes
Inclusion No
Entry Fees (CAD)
Standard Cost
1x $45.00
2x $75.00
4x / 4x+ $100.00
8+ $180.00
RCA Seat Fee $3.50
BC Seat Fee $3.50
Plus taxes if applicable