Dogwood Junior Championship

  • Apr 23, 2022 To Apr 24, 2022
  • sprint
  • Melton Lake
  • Oak Ridge, TN (USA)
  • Hosted By: Oak Ridge Rowing Association, Inc.
  • 2022 Registered Regatta

    2022 Dogwood Junior Championship Regatta
            Saturday/Sunday April 23-24, 2022

                Hosted by  Oak Ridge Rowing Association
                                        697 Melton Lake Drive

                                         Oak Ridge, TN 37830









Zoom C&C Meeting Link

Topic: Dogwood C&C Meeting
Time: Apr 22, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 819 1129 2416
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        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
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        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 819 1129 2416
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Schedule via HereNow

Heats Sheets via HereNow

Rented Tents and Spaces Maps + other venue details



Team Tent Orders


Paid Parking Passes: Parking passes available for guaranteed in and out privleges Saturday and Sunday. Passes available for pick up with paid receipt starting Saturday morning.




Quick Links

2022 Housing - Click HERE. HBC Event Services have been our partner for a number of years. We continue to work with them and by booking through HBC we are able to use a minimal rebate per room in order to subsidize our regatta fees as operational costs continue to rise. Please seriously consider them for your bookings as it is one of the few ways we can not only track our community impacts, but also a way to continue to keep our regattas at an affordable and high quality that you all expect.


2022 Site Maps
Trailer/Athlete Area (TBD)   Practice Day Traffic Pattern
      Time Trial Traffic Pattern    Sprint Race Traffic Pattern




2022 Event Structure (TBD but expect similar progressions as in past years): ORRA offers an event schedule that includes all Youth Nationals events as they are announced. Further categories offered as time and interest allows. See the Event list for details and updates.  The Chief Referee reserves the right to adjust the race progressions.

For events that have 1-7 entries, that event will be raced as straight to final.
For events that have 8-14 entries, that event will be raced as two Heats, with the top 3 from each heat + the 7th fastest qualifier from the Heats to the Grand Final.
For events that have 15-21 entries, that event will be raced as a time trial, with the top 14 to Semifinal, and top 3 from each Semifinal + the 7th fastest qualifier from the Semifinals (3+3+1) to Grand Final. 
For events that have 22 or more entries, that event will be raced as a time trial, with top 21 to Semifinals, and top 2 from each Semifinal + the 7th fastest qualifier from the Semifinals (2+2+2+1) to the Grand Final. 8-14 to Petit Final. 
The Chief Referee will manage the division of entrants in to the Finals. Time trial results will be used to seed lane assignments in the Finals. 

Timing: Time Trials will start early Saturday, and run across two parallel lanes on approximate 7-minute event centers.  ORRA will have a short break immediately after Time Trials to rotate referees and LOC to the marshalling and start dock and start platform positions. Heats will immediately follow Time Trials. This defines the Grand Finals for Events with 8-14 entries. Semifinals will immediately follow Heats, This defines the Petit and Grand Finals for Events with 15 or more entries . The DASH events will follow the completion of Semifinals on Saturday.  All Finals will run on Sunday.  All events should be complete before 4pm on Sunday.

Contact Oak Ridge Rowing Assoc.
Phone 865-482-6538
  Information Packet
Sanctioned by  
Chief Referee Andrew Cooke
Juniors Yes
High School No
Middle School No
Collegiate No
Open No
Masters No
Elite No
Para No
Inclusion No
Entry Fees (USD)
Standard Cost Early Cost Late Cost
0500m DASH 1x $20.00 $18.00
0500m DASH 8+ $40.00 $36.00
1x ( Singles ) $40.00 $36.00
2x/2- ( Doubles/Pairs ) $80.00 $70.00
4x/4-/4+ ( Fours/Quads ) $100.00 $90.00
8+ ( Eights ) $120.00 $110.00
Notification of Interest
Plus taxes if applicable