Green Mountain Head Regatta

  • Hosted By: Putney Rowing Club



A 'stake race' of 3 miles. Race 1.5 miles upstream, row around two large orange buoys and then return 1.5 miles to the finish (same place as the start).
Open to All Rowers, Hotshots and Novices, in racing singles or doubles 
(no recreational event)

Method of Start:
Race commences at 9:45 AM sharp. Running start, one boat every 15 seconds.
Boat launching facilities are limited. Please allow time to ensure your arrival at the starting line on time.
Awards and Lunch:
Maple syrup for first place, bags of apples for second, cider for third, for each category. Awards and results presented at the end of racing.
There will be a 12:00 PM Lunch at the Launch Site. Cider, egg rolls, cheese, bread, and doughnuts.



Contact Kristin Dawley
Phone 802-376-6580
Chief Referee Not yet posted
Juniors Yes
High School Yes
Middle School No
Collegiate Yes
Open Yes
Masters Yes
Elite Yes
Para No
Inclusion No
Entry Fees (USD)
Max entries 350 entries. This venue has a restriction on how many entries are permitted. Registration is closed when this cap is reach ( or the deadline passes, whichever occurs first.)