American Youth Cup III
- May 27, 2017
- sprint
- Nathan Benderson Park
- Sarasota, FL (USA)
- Hosted By: Sarasota Crew
May 27, 2017
American Youth Cup III
Nathan Benderson Park
American Youth Cup III brings competitive youth racing to Nathan Benderson Park just 2 weeks prior to the 2017 Youth National Championships in Sarasota. Offering all YNC boat classes in addtion to a variety of supporting events, AYCIII is a great opportunity to get your athletes multiple races down the Championship course.
2,000 meter fully buoyed course with stakeboats
All participants recieve this year's American Youth Cup event t-shirt with paid registration
Middle school & elementary school events:
U15 8+ (2,000 meters)
U15 4x (2,000 meters)
U15, U13, U11 1x (1,000 meters)
U9 (250 meters)
Registration and schedule: register your crews as you would on Regatta Central. All YNC qualified boats will have the opportunity to race at least twice throughout the day. Some events will be combined for increased competition.
The morning races (prior to the U9 1x event) will be the results considered for medals and AYC series points. If you do intend to have your qualified crews race multiple times, please contact regattadirector@sarasotacrew.
Information Packet HERE
Website | |
Contact | Monica Whitehouse | | |
Phone | Please contact regatta via email |
Chief Referee | Not yet posted |
Juniors | Yes |
High School | Yes |
Middle School | No |
Collegiate | No |
Open | Yes |
Masters | No |
Elite | No |
Para | No |
Inclusion | No |
Entry Fees (USD) | |