Tampa Mayors Cup

  • Hosted By: The Stewards Foundation, Inc.

HEAT SHEET-- Updated 3/16

Please bring waivers/ regatta checks to the Finish Line.

The Stewards Foundation, Inc will host the Tenth Annual Tampa Mayor’s Cup Rowing Regatta at Tampa's, Harney Park Bypass Canal Racecourse on Saturday, March 18, 2017. The Tampa Mayor’s Cup is one of the premiere rowing events in the state of Florida and Southeastern United States. Many of the competitors are from the Northeast testing their skills after completing spring training in the Tampa Bay area.

The racecourse hosts a 1000 and 1500 meter-buoyed and protected course. Over 750 rowing athletes and over 2000 spectators will be on hand to participate in this event. The competition includes separate events for Juniors, Colleges and Masters. There is on site parking at the Harney Park. In addition, bleachers and vendors will set up for spectators and teams alike.

Discount Entry for Bringing a Launch!  -- Competing teams can provide a fully stocked launch (gas, life vests, paddle) and 2 volunteer drivers for the whole day and receive a $100 rebate on your entries!

Why you should race in the Mayor’s Cup

  • Great competition – the best rowers in each category will be here!
  • Great water – the Bypass Canal is well protected so the water conditions are ideal
  • Great support – we take pride in having great referees and volunteers focused on making the regatta very rower friendly and efficient
  • Great fun – the environs make a great way to interact with other athletes and spectators



Website http://www.rowtampa.com
Contact John Stimus
Email jtstimus@gmail.com
Phone 813-407-1450
Chief Referee Not yet posted
Juniors Yes
High School Yes
Middle School No
Collegiate Yes
Open Yes
Masters Yes
Elite No
Para No
Inclusion No
Entry Fees (USD)
Fee cap: $1,300.00 per club

Note: to receive the fee cap all entries must be submitted under one account per club