King's Head XXXVII Regatta on the Schuylkill
- Sep 28, 2025
- head
- Upper Schuylkill River
- Bridgeport, PA (USA)
- Hosted By: Upper Merion Boat Club
- USRowing Sanctioned Regatta
This is a US Rowing event so while all rowing clubs and scullers are invited to participate, rowing clubs must be organizatonal members of US Rowing, and rowers provide their US Rowing membership number when registering. Foreign clubs who are members of their national rowing federation may also participate. Competitors shall represent only one Club at a regatta.
All athletes age 18 or over must complete the SafeSport training called Abuse Prevention for Adult Athletes. Member safety and well-being are priorities for US Rowing, and education is critical to prevent the harm that misconduct causes our members. In partnership with the U.S. Center for SafeSport, US Rowing provides training on how to identify and prevent the various forms of misconduct.
Effective January 1, 2023 Relevant Adult Partcipants are required to take SafeSport training on an annual basis. If a Relevant Adult Participant’s SafeSport training is not completed prior to attending a regatta, the partcipant will not be allowed to participate.
As a registered participant in a US Rowing event, you are required to adhere to the US Rowing Safe Sport Policy Manual for the duration of the event. Additionally, reporting misconduct is vital to protecting athletes and prevening further incidents. Sexual Misconduct must be reported to the U.S. Center for SafeSport at 'Report a Concern | U.S. Center for SafeSport' (uscenterforsafesport.org) . To report other forms of misconduct, including violations of the Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies, refer to the reporting protocols, including how to report a violation. https://usrowing.org/safe-sport
IMPORTANT: All relevant adult participants must complete SafeSport training and be in good standing by the lineup entry deadline. If this is not the case, the relevant adult participant will not be eligible to participate and will not be allowed to be on-site
USRowing Safe Sport Policy Manual : https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/sidearm.nextgen.sites/usarowing.sidearmsports.com/documents/2023/9/18/USRowing_Safe_Sport_Policy_FINAL_BOARD_APPROVED.pdf