OARS Youth Invitational

  • Mar 13, 2022
  • sprint
  • Orlando, FL (USA)
  • Hosted By: Orlando Area Rowing Society, Inc.
  • 2022 Registered Regatta

This year we will be using the NOARA waiver. A reminder to all about the NOARA waivers.  If you are directing athletes and families to SIGN the waiver, please use this link:


You should be able to check  the status of your teams' NOARA waivers on your Roster tab of Regatta Central.

If your team is not a member of FSRA,  you'll need to submit a certificate of insurance and NOARA waivers from all participants.

Because we are using USRowing referees, we have to be sanctioned by USRowing. This also ensures that your teams are covered if you use USRowing Insurance. Everyone will have to  complete the USRowing Waiver.  A new waiver was just updated last week.  Please send this out to all of your members to complete to be compliant for 2021:

  1. Go to https://membership.usrowing.org
  2. Click on Log In under Individuals and log in using your member number and password
  3. On your profile page, click the blue button “Sign Agreement & Waiver” and follow the steps on screen
  4. Done! Thank you for signing the latest version of the waiver
  5. If you are having difficulties, call USRowing directly (609) 751-0700

We will be using the NOARA waiver.  Please direct your teams here to sign the waiver This must be completed no later than Wednesday, March 9th. Any entries without signed waivers will be scratched. 

If your team is not a member of FSRA,  you'll need to submit a certificate of insurance and NOARA waivers for all participants. You should have each member sign the waiver as unaffiliated.

2022 Registered Regatta

For Membership and Waiver instructions, contact USRowing at members@usrowing.org or this link.