FSRA West District Championships

  • Hosted By: Florida Scholastic Rowing Association, Sarasota Crew

WAIVERS – Must complete the online NOARA and TBCRC waiver to compete. 

  1. TBCRC Waiver NOW ONLINE: CLICK HERE to complete.
    Coaches can email [email protected] to get a report of athletes with completed TBCRC waiver.  
  2. NOARA Waiver: CLICK HERE to complete


If athletes are planning to race at the FSRA State Championships, make sure they have completed their FSRA Athlete Registration Requirements: Deadline for submission was 01/31/2018 or a $1/athlete/day penalty will be applied. See Rules and Eligibility for details. 

2017-2018 FSRA Cleared Athletes: PDF link

2018 Athlete Validation Issues: PDF link
