First Coast Head Race
- Oct 10, 2015
- head
- St. John's / Arlington Rivers
- Jacksonville, FL (USA)
- Hosted By: Stanton Rowing Foundation
- 2016 Registered Regatta
All competitors must sign the FSRA liability waiver from NOARA. Competitors under the age of 18 must sign and have a parent or guardian sign a minor’s waiver. Please sign your waiver online by following the link below. It will be the responsibility of each program's coach/contact to make sure that each of their competing athletes has completed the NOARA waiver. Each organization will be required to provide an alphabetical list of competitors and a statement signed by the program's coach/contact at check in. This is the only acceptable waiver for the First Coast Head Race.
If your team is not in the database, choose “unaffiliated” from the drop down menu. Some College and Masters programs can be found in the drop down menu listed as "Unaffiliated - your team name"