Sarasota Invitational
- Feb 28, 2015 To Mar 1, 2015
- sprint
- Nathan Benderson Lake
- Sarasota, FL (USA)
- Hosted By: Sarasota County Rowing Club, Inc/dba Sarasota Masters
- 2016 Registered Regatta
This regatta is registered with USRowing and we accept the once - a - year US Rowing Waiver.
New US Rowing Waivers must be executed at the start of each calendar year.
NOTE: SCRC is not an FSRA member club, therefore, we cannot accept the FSRA / NOARA waiver.
Online Submission of US Rowing Waiver:
- Contact your club's administrator and request your club's USRowing Club Code
- Go to https://rosters.usrowing.org and follow the instructions
- You'll be assigned a USRowing ID if you do not already have one.
Individual and Unaffiliated USRowing members and Non-USRowing members may alternatively submit a paper waiver.
If you prefer to submit a paper waiver or are: download this form.
PLEASE NOTE: If you elect to submit a paper waiver, please note that the State of Florida also requires an additional five (5) page waiver. Therefore we STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you utilize the online waiver.
If you elect to use paper, it must be RECEIVED by February 23rd.
Attn: Waiver Compliance
Sarasota County Rowing Club
Attn: Sarasota Invitational
P.O. Box 184
Osprey, FL 34229
All Junior Rowers who participate at Nathan Benderson Park must have a completed Medical Consent form available. Please download the form below if you need one. The EMS will not be able to treat non-emergency issues without the completed form. Please download one here.