10th Annual Lowell Invitational

  • Hosted By: Lowell High School Crew


This regatta is accepting the once-a-year USRowing waiver.


Online Submission:

1.    Contact your club's administrator and request your club's USRowing Club Code

2.    Go to https://rosters.usrowing.org and follow the instructions

3.    You'll be assigned a USRowing ID if you do not already have one.

Individual and Unaffiliated USRowing members and Non-USRowing members may alternatively submit a paper waiver. If you prefer to submit a paper waiver or are unable to submit an online waiver you may download, sign and submit a paper waiver to the regatta at the following address: (or you may bring a paper waiver to the regatta and hand it into the registration desk)

Jessica Murray

150 North Rd

Chelmsford, MA 01824