USRowing Youth National Championships

  • Hosted By: USRowing
  • USRowing Owned
Note: For updates and last minute changes be sure to check the news and heat-sheet/draw pages.
Event Code
Thursday, June 12, 2025
1 MY1x Mens Youth 1x
2 WY1x Womens Youth 1x
3 MY2- Mens Youth 2-
4 WY2- Womens Youth 2-
5 MY2x Mens Youth 2x
6 WY2x Womens Youth 2x
7 MY4+ Mens Youth 4+
8 WY4+ Womens Youth 4+
9 MY2V4x Mens Youth 2V 4x
10 WY2V4x Womens Youth 2V 4x
11 MY4x Mens Youth 4x
12 WY4x Womens Youth 4x
13 MY4- Mens Youth 4-
14 WY4- Womens Youth 4-
15 MY2V8+ Mens Youth 2V 8+
16 WY2V8+ Womens Youth 2V 8+
17 MY8+ Mens Youth 8+
18 WY8+ Womens Youth 8+
19 OGY2x Open Gender Youth 2x
20 MU164x+ Mens U16 4x+
21 WU164x+ Womens U16 4x+
22 MU168+ Mens U16 8+
23 WU168+ Womens U16 8+
24 MU171x Mens U17 1x
25 WU171x Womens U17 1x
26 MU172x Mens U17 2x
27 WU172x Womens U17 2x
28 MU174+ Mens U17 4+
29 WU174+ Womens U17 4+
30 MU174x Mens U17 4x
31 WU174x Womens U17 4x
32 MU178+ Mens U17 8+
33 WU178+ Womens U17 8+
34 Mens Youth PR1 1x
35 Womens Youth PR1 1x
36 Mens Youth PR2 1x
37 Womens Youth PR2 1x
38 MixYPR22x Mixed Youth PR2 2x
39 MixYPR32x Mixed Youth PR3 2x
40 Mixed Youth Inclusive PR3 4+
41 MYInc2x Mens Youth Inclusive 2x
42 WYIncl2x Womens Youth Inclusive 2x
43 MixYIncl2x Mixed Youth Inclusive 2x

Event times (if listed) are typically for the finals. The schedule is tentative and subject to change