Melbourne Head Regatta

  • Hosted By: Upper Yarra Rowing Club
Note: For updates and last minute changes be sure to check the news and heat-sheet/draw pages.
Event Code
Saturday, November 22, 2014
break 8:30 AM Coxswain's meeting - 4.5km course
break 9:45 AM Junior Cox & Coach meeting - 2.5km course
1 9:15 AM MSch8+O1 Mens School Eight Open Div. 1
2 MSch8+O2 Mens School Eight Open Div. 2
3 MSch8+03 Mens School Eight Open Div. 3
4 MO2X Mens Open Double Scull
5 MO2- Mens Open Pair
6 MM8+ Mens Masters Eight
7 MM4X Mens Masters Quad Scull
8 WO2X Womens Open Double Scull
9 WO2- Womens Open Pair
10 WSch8+O1 Womens School Eight Open Div. 1
11 WSch8+O2 Womens School Eight Open Div. 2
12 Womens School Open 8+ Div 3
13 MClub8+ Mens Club Eight
14 X8+ Mixed Eight
15 WClub8+ Womens Club Eight
16 WSch4X Womens School Coxed Quad Scull
17 WM4X+/4X- Womens Masters Coxed/Coxless Quad
18 WM4+ Womens Masters Coxed Four
19 WM4- Womens Masters Coxless Four
20 MO1X Mens Open Single Scull
21 WO1X Womens Open Single Scull
break 10:30 AM Break
22 10:50 AM MSch8+y9 Mens School Eight Y9
23 MSch8+Y8 Mens School Eight Y8
24 MSch4X+Y9 Mens School Coxed Quad Yr. 9
25 MSch4+X8 Mens School Coxed Quad Yr 8
26 MSch4x+82 Mens School Coxed Quad Yr 8 Div 2
27 WSch4X+Y9 Womens School Coxed Quad Yr. 9
28 WSch4X+Y9 Womens School Coxed Quad Y9 Div2
29 WSch4+Y9 Womens School Coxed Four Yr. 9
30 WSch4X+Y8 Womens School Coxed Quad Yr. 8
31 WSch4+Y8 Womens School Coxed Four Yr. 8
32 WSch4x+82 Womens School Coxed Four Yr 8 Div 2
break 11:15 AM Break
33 12:00 PM MO8+ Mens Open Eight
34 WO8+ Womens Open Eight
35 WM8+ Womens Masters Eight
36 MM4+/4- Mens Masters Coxed/Coxless Four
37 MSch4X+ Mens School Coxed Quad Scull
38 MClub4X+ Mens Club Coxed Quad Scull
39 MSch4+ Mens School Coxed Four
40 MClub4+ Mens Club Coxed Four
41 WClub4+ Womens Club Coxed Four
42 WSch4+ Womens School Coxed Four
43 WClub4X+ Womens Club Coxed Quad Scull
44 MM2X Mens Masters Double
45 MM2- Mens Masters Pair
46 MSch1X Mens School Single Scull
47 MM1X Mens Masters Single Scull
48 WM2X Womens Masters Double Scull
49 WSch1X Womens School Single Scull
50 MClub1X Mens Club Single Scull
51 WClub1X Womens Club Single Scull
52 WM1X Womens Masters Single Scull
53 PC2X Parent & Child 2x

Event times (if listed) are typically for the finals. The schedule is tentative and subject to change