The 132nd Royal Canadian Henley Regatta

  • Hosted By: Canadian Henley Regatta Joint Committee Corporation
Note: For updates and last minute changes be sure to check the news and heat-sheet/draw pages.
Event Code
Sunday, August 3, 2014
1 Senior Womens Single - Lady Henley Trophy
2 Senior Mens Ltwt Double - Stuart H. Flemming Memorial Trophy
3 U19 Mens Single - Anthony 'Tony' Novotny Trophy
4 U23 Womens Ltwt Single - Harold and Dorothy Cove Memorial Trophy
5 U23 Mens Double - Bill & Harry Trophy
6 U19 Womens Coxed Four - Kristen French Memorial Trophy
7 U23 Womens Pair - (Alex) Sandy Greenhill Memorial Trophy
8 Senior Mens Single - Jack Guest Memorial Trophy
9 U17 Womens Double - St. Andrews United Church 150th Anniversary Cup
10 U23 Mens Ltwt Single - Theo Dubois Trophy
11 Senior Womens Ltwt Double - Fred Loek Trophy
12 U19 Mens Coxed Four - W. A. (Al) Ward Memorial Trophy
13 Senior Womens Eight - Henley Island Helpers President's Cup
14 U17 Mens Quad - John H. Newman Trophy
15 U19 Womens Single - Alex Wilson Trophy
16 Senior Mens Ltwt Straight Four - Fred Carter Memorial Trophy
17 Senior Mens Pair - William Hamilton Merritt Trophy
18 U23 Womens Ltwt Eight - Arthur M. Sims Memorial Trophy
19 U17 Womens Eight - Algoma Central Corporation Trophy
20 Senior Womens Ltwt Pair - Cookson Memorial Trophy
21 U23 Mens Single - W.G. 'Bill' Crawford Memorial Trophy
22 U19 Mens Double -Ralph Jaques Memorial Trophy
23 Senior Mens Ltwt Single - Claude (Sandy) Saunders Trophy
24 U23 Womens Eight - Geoffrey Barron Taylor Memorial Trophy
25 Senior Womens Pair - Henley Island Helpers Prestige Award
26 Senior Mens Straight Four - Maurice J. Carroll Challenge Trophy
27 Senior Mens 64kg Coxed Four - F.F. 'Ted' Nelson Trophy
28 U19 Womens Double - Thorne Family Trophy
29 U23 Mens Ltwt Straight Four - G. W. (Paddy) Cline Trophy
30 U23 Womens Ltwt Pair - Lancaster Brooks & Welch 125th Anniv. Trophy
31 Senior Womens Ltwt Single - Sandy Kirby PerpetualTrophy
32 U17 Mens Eight - Michael J. Broderick Memorial Trophy
33 U23 Womens Double - Nancy Storrs Trophy
34 U23 Mens Eight - Wyandotte Trophy
35 Senior Mens Double - Hop Bitters Challenge Cup
36 U17 Womens Quad - West Side Rowing Club Past President's Trophy
37 Senior Mens Eight - Hanlan Memorial Challenge Trophy
38 Senior Womens Straight Four - Eddie Durnan Memorial Trophy
39 U23 Mens Quad - Captian Charles E. Hooper Memorial Trophy
40 U17 Womens Coxed Four - Doc & Colena Schaab Trophy
41 U19 Mens Pair - 'Now Jim' Award
42 U23 Womens Ltwt Double - Jack G. Berkhout Trophy
43 U17 Mens Single - Mike Wilson Memorial Trophy
44 Senior Mens Ltwt Pair - John L. Murray Memorial Trophy
45 U23 Mens Ltwt Double - Thomas Croston Trophy
46 Senior Womens Ltwt Straight Four - H. I. H. 30th Anniversary Trophy
47 U19 Womens Pair - Tom McGuiness Memorial Trophy
48 U23 Womens Quad - Carl 'Skeeter' Dorland Trophy
49 Senior Womens Double - Coopers & Lybrand Trophy
50 U23 Mens Pair - Bennett-Hogan Award
51 Mens Single DASH - Murphy Bros. Trophy
52 Womens Single DASH - Marie-Lyne Rochon Memorial Trophy
53 Mens Ltwt Eight DASH - Ralph Gifford Memorial Trophy
54 Womens Ltwt Eight DASH - Wendy Wiebe Trophy
55 Mens Ltwt Single DASH - Dave Cornelius Memorial Trophy
56 Womens Ltwt Single DASH - John H. Dorr Memorial Trophy
57 Mens Eight DASH - Donald F. Thom Memorial Trophy
58 Womens Eight DASH - Bell Canada Trophy
7PD Womens Para AS 1x DASH
8PD Mens Para AS 1x DASH
9PD Womens Para TA 1x DASH
10PD Mens Para TA 1x DASH
11PD Womens Para LTA 2x/2- DASH
12PD Mens Para LTA 2x/2- DASH
RS Mixed Eight DASH The RegattaSport
1P Womens AS Single
2P Mens AS Single
3P Mens TA Single
4P Womens TA Single
5P Mens LTA 2x/2-
6P Womens LTA 2x / 2-
59 U19 Womens Quad - Thomas G. Gannon Memorial Trophy
60 Senior Mens Ltwt Quad - Thomas Edison Lane Perpetual Trophy
61 Womens Championship Pair
62 Mens Championship Pair - William J. Cotter Trophy
63 U19 Mens Quad - William B.C. Burgoyne Memorial Trophy
64 Senior Mens 64kg Single - R.G. 'Bob' Dibble Memorial Cup
65 Senior Womens Quad - Margaret Gare Trophy
66 Senior Womens 52kg Coxed Four - Ronda Henning Memorial Trophy
67 U17 Mens Coxed Four - Herb Gray Trophy
68 Senior Mens Ltwt Eight - Joseph Wright Challenge Cup
69 Senior Womens Ltwt Eight - People of Port Dalhousie Trophy
70 U23 Mens Straight Four - Rodger Sellars Trophy
71 U23 Womens Straight Four - Nelles Stacy Memorial Trophy
72 Senior Mens Quad - Charles M. Adams Memorial Trophy
73 U19 Mens Eight - St. Catharines Rowing Alumni Trophy
74 U17 Womens Single - 'Hutch' Trophy
75 U19 Womens Eight - Harris / Fisher
76 Senior Womens Ltwt Quad - Silver Fox Trophy
77 U23 Mens Ltwt Pair - Tyler King Memorial Trophy
78 U23 Womens Single - Dr. James A. McMullen Memorial Trophy
79 U17 Mens Double - Tank Trophy
80 U23 Womens Ltwt Straight Four
81 Womens Championship Single - Muir Challenge Cup
82 Mens Championship Single - George F. Galt Memorial Trophy
83 Womens Championship Eight - Brock University 25th Anniv. Trophy
84 Mens Championship Eight - Craig Swayze Memorial Trophy

Event times (if listed) are typically for the finals. The schedule is tentative and subject to change