Challenge West Regatta
- Jul 5, 2024 To Jul 7, 2024
- sprint
- Victoria City Rowing Club
- Victoria, BC (CAN)
- Hosted By: Victoria City Rowing Club
- Sanctioned by RCA & BC (2024)
Event# | Time* | Code | Event | Competitors | Entries |
Friday, July 5, 2024 | |||||
Heats and Time Trials for Saturday Finals | |||||
Saturday, July 6, 2024 | |||||
1 | MAdpt1x | PR1 Mens Open Adaptive 1x (COMBINED) | 0 |
2 | WAdpt1x | PR1 Womens Open Adaptive 1x (COMBINED) | 0 |
3 | WU194x | U19 Womens Jr 4x | 10 |
4 | MU151x | U15 Mens Jr 1x | 5 |
5 | MJrNov4x | Mens Jr Novice 4x | 0 |
6 | MOpen2x | Mens Open 2x | 3 |
Delta Deas Rowing Club (A) |
E. ROSLER/O. Caldecott/
University of Victoria Rowing Club (A) |
S. Garcia-Alvarez/S. Payne
University of Victoria Rowing Club (A) |
N. Keogh/G. Barkway
7 | MLwt2- | Mens Open Ltwt 2- | 0 |
8 | MU192- | U19 Mens Jr 2- | 8 |
9 | WU172x | U17 Womens Jr 2x | 13 |
10 | WU191x | U19 Womens Jr 1x | 19 |
11 | MU174x | U17 Mens Jr 4x | 7 |
12 | WOpen4- | Womens Open 4- | 2 |
Simon Fraser University Rowing Club (A) |
L. Gunster/K. Gilby/M. Holt/K. Ceholski
University of Victoria Rowing Club (A) |
S. Regosa/E. Masyte/A. Ross/A. Simpson
13 | MJrNov1x | Mens Jr Novice 1x | 2 |
14 | WJrNov2x | Womens Jr Novice 2x | 1 |
15 | WU178+ | U17 Womens Jr 8+ | 0 |
16 | MOpen4x | Mens Open 4x | 2 |
University of Victoria Rowing Club (A) |
C. Davis/m. schiller/O. Howard Batek/L. Ferraro
University of Victoria Rowing Club (A) |
S. Garcia-Alvarez/S. Payne/A. Brown/D. Crnjak
17 | MxMst2x | Mixed Masters 2x | 12 |
18 | WMst4x | Womens Masters 4x | 3 |
19 | MMst2x | Mens Masters 2x | 3 |
20 | WU194- | U19 Womens 4- | 4 |
21 | WOpen2- | Womens Open 2- | 6 |
Simon Fraser University Rowing Club (A) |
G. Lorenson/N. Courchesne
Thunder Rowing Crew (A) |
G. Shaw/E. Liu
University of British Columbia (A) |
S. Stormont/E. Franke
University of Victoria Rowing Club (A) |
M. Vanderploeg/O. Calbeck
Victoria City Rowing Club (A) |
C. Della Siega/L. Hallett
University of British Columbia (B) |
L. Hiscox/H. Maxwell
22 | WLtwt2x | Womens Ltwt 2x | 2 |
23 | MU192x | U19 Mens Jr 2x | 10 |
24 | MOpen8+ | Mens Open 8+ | 3 |
Rowing British Columbia (A) |
W. Jacques/J. Mills/B. Durchak/C. Piekenhagen/W. Hawkins/A. Acton/J. Gemmill/K. Wensauer/J. Kronis (Cox)
University of Victoria Rowing Club (A) |
E. Gibb-Randall/T. Dillon/W. Theed/H. King/G. Dyer/S. Ross/B. Baergen/D. Crnjak/J. Roelofs (Cox)
University of Victoria Rowing Club (A) |
O. Howard Batek/m. schiller/H. Purdon/A. Brown/C. Davis/N. Keogh/G. Barkway/L. Ferraro/N. Sochan (Cox)
25 | WU152x | U15 Womens Jr 2x | 3 |
26 | MU174- | U17 Mens 4- | 0 |
27 | MU154x | U15 Mens Jr 4x | 0 |
28 | WNov2x | Womens Open Novice 2x | 2 |
29 | MNov1x | Mens Open Novice 1x | 1 |
30 | WMst1x | Womens Masters 1x | 9 |
31 | MMst8+ | Mens Masters 8+ | 2 |
32 | MU198+ | U19 Mens Jr 8+ | 1 |
33 | MLwt1x | Mens Open Ltwt 1x | 9 |
Delta Deas Rowing Club (A) |
T. MacMartin/
False Creek Rowing Club (A) |
Q. Kalheim
Thunder Rowing Crew (A) |
D. Orban
Thunder Rowing Crew (A) |
O. Gomez-Duran
University of the Fraser Valley (A) |
P. Inden
University of Victoria Rowing Club (A) |
L. Ferraro
University of Victoria Rowing Club (A) |
O. Howard Batek
University of Victoria Rowing Club (A) |
m. schiller
University of Victoria Rowing Club (A) |
M. Muller
34 | WOpen1x | Womens Open 1x | 6 |
Deep Cove Rowing Club (A) |
B. Posynick
University of the Fraser Valley (A) |
N. Fandrich
University of Victoria Rowing Club (A) |
E. Masyte
Victoria City Rowing Club (A) |
L. Rowland/
University of Victoria Rowing Club (B) |
A. Simpson
University of Victoria Rowing Club (C) |
S. Regosa
35 | MU171x | U17 Mens Jr 1x | 16 |
36 | MNov4x | Mens Open Novice 4x | 1 |
37 | MxMst8+ | Mixed Masters 8+ | 2 |
Sunday, July 7, 2024 | |||||
38 | MAdpt1x | PR2 Mens Open Adaptive 1x (COMBINED) | 0 |
39 | WAdpt1x | PR2 Womens Open Adaptive 1x (COMBINED) | 0 |
40 | MU194x | U19 Mens Jr 4x | 6 |
41 | WU151x | U15 Womens Jr 1x | 2 |
42 | WJrNov4x | Womens Jr Novice 4x | 1 |
43 | WOpen2x | Womens Open 2x | 7 |
Simon Fraser University Rowing Club (A) |
G. Lorenson/N. Courchesne
University of the Fraser Valley (A) |
S. Halas/M. Drisner
University of the Fraser Valley (A) |
P. Bateman/m. Barnes
University of Victoria Rowing Club (A) |
S. Regosa/E. Masyte
Simon Fraser University Rowing Club (B) |
N. Runge/J. Kuromi
University of Victoria Rowing Club (B) |
A. Ross/A. Simpson
University of Victoria Rowing Club (C) |
C. Hardy/H. Crosby
44 | WLwt2- | Womens Open Ltwt 2- | 0 |
45 | WU192- | U19 Womens Jr 2- | 9 |
46 | MU172x | U17 Mens Jr 2x | 10 |
47 | MU191x | U19 Mens Jr 1x | 16 |
48 | WU174x | U17 Womens Jr 4x | 5 |
49 | MOpen4- | Mens Open 4- | 5 |
Rowing British Columbia (A) |
K. Wensauer/B. Durchak/W. Jacques/J. Mills
University of Victoria Rowing Club (A) |
L. Ferraro/M. Muller/m. schiller/O. Howard Batek
University of Victoria Rowing Club (A) |
E. Gibb-Randall/T. Dillon/G. Dyer/S. Ross
University of Victoria Rowing Club (A) |
B. Baergen/H. King/W. Theed/Q. Malekos Neuls
University of Victoria Rowing Club (A) |
N. Keogh/C. Davis/G. Barkway/H. Purdon
50 | WJrNov1x | Womens Jr Novice 1x | 0 |
51 | MJrNov2x | Mens Jr Novice 2x | 2 |
52 | MU178+ | U17 Mens Jr 8+ | 0 |
53 | WOpen4x | Womens Open 4x | 3 |
University of the Fraser Valley (A) |
N. Fandrich/S. Halas/P. Bateman/M. Drisner
University of Victoria Rowing Club (A) |
M. Vanderploeg/C. Hardy/O. Calbeck/H. Crosby
Victoria City Rowing Club (A) |
k. watson/W. Tzonev/R. Thompson/A. Maiorino/
54 | MxMst4x | Mixed Masters 4x | 5 |
55 | MMst1x | Mens Masters 1x | 2 |
56 | WMst2x | Womens Masters 2x | 8 |
57 | MU194- | U19 Mens 4- | 5 |
58 | MOpen2- | Mens Open 2- | 5 |
University of Victoria Rowing Club (A) |
m. schiller/D. Crnjak
University of Victoria Rowing Club (A) |
S. Ross/E. Gibb-Randall
University of Victoria Rowing Club (A) |
T. Dillon/G. Dyer
University of Victoria Rowing Club (A) |
W. Theed/H. King
University of Victoria Rowing Club (A) |
Q. Malekos Neuls/B. Baergen
59 | MLtwt2x | Mens Ltwt 2x | 5 |
Delta Deas Rowing Club (A) |
L. Haughian/J. MacDonald
False Creek Rowing Club (A) |
Q. Kalheim/T. Wozney
University of the Fraser Valley (A) |
P. Inden/A. Hyde
University of Victoria Rowing Club (A) |
L. Ferraro/O. Howard Batek
University of Victoria Rowing Club (A) |
M. Muller/C. Davis
60 | WU192x | U19 Womens Jr 2x | 17 |
61 | WOpen8+ | Womens Open 8+ | 0 |
62 | MU152x | U15 Mens Jr 2x | 2 |
63 | WU174- | U17 Womens 4- | 1 |
64 | WU154x | U15 Womens Jr 4x | 1 |
65 | MNov2x | Mens Open Novice 2x | 4 |
University of Victoria Rowing Club (A) |
H. Purdon/J. Green
Victoria City Rowing Club (A) |
A. Cao/T. Difelice-Oinonen/
Victoria City Rowing Club (A) |
L. Weaver/C. Paulson/
Victoria City Rowing Club (A) |
M. Chiao/B. Bao/
66 | WNov1x | Womens Open Novice 1x | 5 |
67 | MMst4x | Mens Masters 4x | 3 |
68 | WMst8+ | Womens Masters 8+ | 1 |
69 | WU198+ | U19 Womens Jr 8+ | 3 |
70 | MOpen1x | Mens Open 1x | 5 |
University of Victoria Rowing Club (A) |
A. Brown
University of Victoria Rowing Club (A) |
G. Barkway
University of Victoria Rowing Club (A) |
N. Keogh
University of Victoria Rowing Club (A) |
H. Purdon
Victoria City Rowing Club (A) |
D. Acton/
71 | WLwt1x | Womens Open Ltwt 1x | 1 |
72 | WU171x | U17 Womens Jr 1x | 14 |
73 | WNov4x | Womens Open Novice 4x | 0 |
74 | BSG M 2x | 2 |
75 | BSG W 2x | 1 |
76 | BSG M 1x | 1 |
77 | BSG W 1x | 2 |
78 | BSG M 2- | 1 |
79 | BSG W 2- | 1 |
80 | BSG Jr Mx 4x | 0 |
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change