FISA World Rowing Masters Regatta
- Sep 2, 2010 To Sep 5, 2010
- sprint
- Royal Canadian Henley Regatta Course
- St. Catharines, ON (CAN)
- Hosted By: St. Catharines World Rowing
Event# | Time* | Code | Event | Competitors | Entries |
Thursday, September 2, 2010 | |||||
101 | Womens D 4+ | 38 |
102 | Mens H 2- | 4 |
103 | Mens B 4- | 14 |
104 | Womens G - J 2x | 14 |
105 | Mens E 4+ | 31 |
106 | Womens B 8+ | 18 |
107 | Mens I - J 4x | 10 |
108 | Womens E - J 2- | 3 |
109 | Mens C 1x | 87 |
110 | Womens C 4x | 42 |
111 | Mens A 2x | 21 |
112 | Womens A 1x | 43 |
113 | Mens D 8+ | 20 |
Friday, September 3, 2010 | |||||
201 | Mens F 2x | 48 |
202 | Womens C 8+ | 26 |
203 | Mens J 1x | 6 |
204 | Womens F 4x | 14 |
205 | Mens A 4+ | 8 |
206 | Mens D 4- | 18 |
207 | Womens A 2x | 31 |
208 | Mens G 8+ | 4 |
209 | Womens D 1x | 47 |
210 | Mens B 2- | 11 |
211 | Mens E 2x | 51 |
212 | Womens G - J 8+ | 6 |
213 | Mens H 1x | 22 |
214 | Mens C 4- | 13 |
215 | Womens B 4+ | 25 |
216 | Mens F 4x | 18 |
217 | Mens I - J 8+ | 4 |
218 | Womens E 2x | 36 |
219 | Mens A 4- | 8 |
220 | Womens C 2- | 9 |
221 | Mens D 4x | 24 |
222 | Womens F 1x | 20 |
223 | Mens G 2x | 28 |
224 | Womens A 4- | 2 |
225 | Mens B 8+ | 5 |
226 | Mens E 1x | 61 |
Alfred Rowing Club |
R. Moolenschot
All American Rowing Camp, LLC |
R. Franks
Associação Académica de Coimbra |
R. Faria
Baltimore Rowing Club |
C. Wehmueller
Belfast Boat Club |
S. Lockwood
Berkshire Sculling Association, Inc. (BRASS) |
A. Inglis
Bradford on Avon Rowing Club |
A. Taylor
Calgary Rowing Club |
T. Cook
Cambridge Boat Club |
N. Kurmakov
Cambridge Rowing Club |
R. Dowhaniuk
Carnegie Lake Rowing Association |
A. Vafaee
Cincinnati Rowing Club |
T. Dryer
Club de Remo Y canotaje de la Secretaria de Marina Armada de |
A. DelaCanal
Club San Fernando |
A. Gasparrini
Dart Totnes Amateur Rowing Club |
P. Atkinson
Dynamo Moscow Rowing Club |
G. Astakhov
Ecorse Rowing Club |
B. Jarosz
Esporte Club Vitoria-Ba |
Esporte Clube Pinheiros |
C. Leonelli
Federação Amadora de Remo Do Espirito Santo |
D. Nascimento
Fredericia Roklub |
F. Nielsen
Glasgow Rowing Club |
p. craig
GMS Rowing Center |
M. Verlin
Greenwich Crew |
P. Pugliese
Hanlan Boat Club |
R. MacFarlane
Kiev Rowing Club Masters |
O. Kozmenko
Kingston Rowing Club |
R. Trapp
Lake Washington Rowing Club |
B. Thoreson
Long Beach Rowing Association |
B. Eldon
Merrimac River Rowing Association |
R. Sengstaken
Miami Beach Watersports Center/Miami Beach Rowing Club |
E. Brand
Middelfart Roklub |
O. Bendtsen
Międzyszkolny Ośrodek Sportowy Nr 2 |
T. Sawicki
Minneapolis Rowing Club |
P. Johnson
Minneapolis Rowing Club |
B. Thiesse
Minneapolis Rowing Club |
S. Michals
Nelson Rowing Club |
D. Preney
North Star Rowing Club |
S. McIntosh
North Star Rowing Club |
T. Mussett
Orlando Rowing Club |
J. Rich
Passaic River Rowing Association (PRRA) |
C. Blessing
Quinte Rowing Club |
G. Barrow
Quintin Boat Club |
G. Peel
Regina Rowing Club |
R. Hart
Ridley Graduate Boat Club |
J. Pauls
Roskilde Roklub |
M. Kleis
Rowing South Australia Inc |
Sagamore Rowing Association |
C. Mallon
San Diego Rowing Club |
S. Vegar
San Diego Rowing Club |
K. Jacobs
Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC |
D. Schley
Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC |
A. Washburn
Seta Rowing Club |
S. Shimomura
Sports Club Levski |
N. Dotzev
St. Catharines Rowing Club |
J. Walker
St. Catharines Rowing Club |
B. Thorne
St. Louis Rowing Club |
R. Hill
University Barge Club |
A. Cook
Victoria City Rowing Club |
L. Alexander
West Side Rowing Club |
B. Fisher
Western Rowing Club |
J. Dwyer
227 | Womens D 4x | 35 |
228 | Mens H 4- | 4 |
229 | Mens C 4+ | 32 |
230 | Womens H - J 1x | 7 |
231 | Mens F 2- | 16 |
232 | Mens I 2x | 10 |
233 | Womens B 4x | 26 |
234 | Mens A 1x | 49 |
235 | Womens E 4- | 4 |
236 | Mens D 2- | 12 |
237 | Womens C 2x | 55 |
238 | Mens G 1x | 34 |
239 | Womens F - J 4+ | 16 |
240 | Mens B 4x | 13 |
241 | Mens E 8+ | 17 |
242 | Womens A 2- | 9 |
243 | Mens H 4+ | 6 |
244 | Womens D 4- | 6 |
245 | Mens C 2x | 62 |
246 | Mens F 4+ | 20 |
247 | Womens B 1x | 53 |
248 | Mens I - J 2- | 2 |
249 | Womens E 8+ | 18 |
Saturday, September 4, 2010 | |||||
301 | Womens A 8+ | 8 |
302 | Mens G 2- | 7 |
303 | Womens D 2x | 63 |
304 | Mens I - J 4- | 5 |
305 | Mens D 4+ | 28 |
306 | Womens G 1x | 8 |
307 | Mens G 4x | 15 |
308 | Womens B 2- | 3 |
309 | Mens B 2x | 37 |
310 | Mens E 4- | 15 |
311 | Womens E 1x | 30 |
312 | Mens H 4x | 3 |
313 | Mens C 2- | 13 |
314 | Womens C 4+ | 35 |
315 | Mens F 8+ | 14 |
316 | Womens F - J 4- | 5 |
317 | Mens I 1x | 12 |
318 | Mens A 2- | 9 |
319 | Womens A 4x | 17 |
320 | Mens D 2x | 65 |
321 | Mens G 4+ | 7 |
322 | Womens D 8+ | 21 |
323 | Mens B 1x | 58 |
324 | Mens E 4x | 26 |
325 | Womens B 4- | 4 |
326 | Mens H 2x | 15 |
327 | Mens C 8+ | 15 |
328 | Womens E 4x | 23 |
329 | Mens F 4- | 13 |
330 | Womens C 1x | 45 |
331 | Mens J 2x | 3 |
332 | Womens F 8+ | 5 |
333 | Mens A 4x | 9 |
334 | Womens A 4+ | 16 |
335 | Mens D 1x | 93 |
336 | Womens D 2- | 10 |
337 | Mens G 4- | 6 |
338 | Womens G - J 4x | 10 |
339 | Mens B 4+ | 17 |
340 | Womens B 2x | 52 |
341 | Mens E 2- | 17 |
342 | Mens H 8+ | 5 |
343 | Womens E 4+ | 23 |
344 | Mens C 4x | 26 |
345 | Womens C 4- | 8 |
346 | Mens F 1x | 67 |
Aberdeen Boat Club |
R. Mathieson
Aberdeen Boat Club |
D. Davidson
Alexandria Community Rowing |
J. Rubini
Alfred Rowing Club |
R. Moolenschot
Argonaut Rowing Club |
C. French
Associação de Remadores Master de Santa Catarina |
V. Braz da Silva
Associação de Remadores Master de Santa Catarina |
L. Melo
Aviron Lachine (Club d'aviron Lachine) |
n. bergeron
British Transport Commission Rowing Club |
R. Green
British Transport Commission Rowing Club |
D. Wyatt
Cambridge Boat Club |
C. Pieper
Cambridge Boat Club |
C. Hamlin
Cambridge Rowing Club |
A. Woodgate
Cincinnati Rowing Club |
V. Garcia
Cincinnati Rowing Club |
T. Dryer
Cincinnati Rowing Club |
B. Miller
Club de Regatas "Lima" |
G. Delapuente
Club de Regatas "Lima" |
F. Ferrand
Club San Fernando |
A. Gasparrini
Craftsbury Sculling Center |
D. Dreissigacker
Detroit Boat Club Crew |
R. Kunitz
Esporte Clube Pinheiros |
C. Leonelli
Esporte Clube Pinheiros |
G. Gerhardt
Fredensborg Roklub |
T. Jespersen
Glasgow Rowing Club |
P. Craig
Grupo Desportivo Ferroviarios Do Barreiro |
C. Oliveira
Hanlan Boat Club |
N. Matthews
Hanlan Boat Club |
A. Dhanota
Holstebro RC |
O. Roemer
Jack Sulger's Sculling Circus |
S. Killen
Jacksonville Rowing Club, Inc. |
A. Ratajczyk
Kiev Rowing Club Masters |
B. Sukhoruchenko
Klub Sportowy AZS-AWF Warszawa |
J. Dabrowski
Leander Boat Club |
E. Makkreel
Lincoln Park Boat Club |
l. sklyanskiy
Merrimac River Rowing Association |
T. Wheatley
Miami Beach Watersports Center/Miami Beach Rowing Club |
B. Wright
Międzyszkolny Ośrodek Sportowy Nr 2 |
T. Sawicki
Mitsubishi Senior Boat Club |
H. Oi
North Star Rowing Club |
R. Jeppeson
Norwich Rowing Club |
J. West
Occoquan International |
S. Hoff
Occoquan International |
B. Byrd
Open Water Rowing Center |
D. Bort
Red Star Rowing Club |
S. Stoyanovich
Riverside Boat Club |
J. Yasaitis
Rockford Crew |
R. Anderson
San Diego Rowing Club |
M. Corr
Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC |
T. Davies
Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC |
C. Wise
Scullers Club Belleville |
B. Ryding
Seta Rowing Club |
A. Adachi
Sport Club Corinthians Paulista |
p. virgilio
St. Catharines Rowing Club |
B. Scharer
St. Louis Rowing Club |
R. Hill
St. Louis Rowing Club |
C. Cook
Stockholms Roddförening |
A. Franzén
Stockholms Roddförening |
M. Arastoupour
Sudbury Rowing Club |
C. Kealy
Tübinger Ruderverein "Fidelia" 1877/1911 e.V. |
W. Dieter
Upper Valley Rowing Foundation |
D. Ruml
Vernon Rowing and Dragon Boat Club |
D. Sigalet
Vernon Rowing and Dragon Boat Club |
G. Foukal
Warthogs Rowing Club |
W. Wakeman
Warthogs Rowing Club |
P. Falk
Western Rowing Club |
K. Juurakko
Y Quad Cities Rowing |
T. Cahill
347 | Mens I - J 4+ | 6 |
348 | Womens F 2x | 26 |
349 | Mens A 8+ | 5 |
Sunday, September 5, 2010 | |||||
401 | Mixed D 2x | 45 |
402 | Mixed G 4x | 7 |
403 | Mixed B 8+ | 11 |
404 | Mixed E 2x | 42 |
405 | Mixed H - J 4x | 5 |
406 | Mixed C 8+ | 16 |
Ann Arbor Rowing Club |
C. Delaney Freiman/D. Crouse/R. Florka/C. Ives/D. Kaczmarek/M. Myers/M. Nemshak/J. Shifferd/M. Utt (Cox)
Composite: Ann Arbor RC,Ann Arbor RC, East Arm |
J. Cody/R. Wagner/T. Rendle/R. Zimmer/K. Glover/J. Zimmer/K. Cody/m. nemshak/J. Josef (Cox)
Capital Rowing Club |
D. Barksdale/C. McKay/R. Stedman/M. Comtois/K. Gerhard/K. OConnell/J. Ney/D. Haney/G. Abell (Cox)
Club España |
M. Garcia/A. Garay/S. Fuentes/F. Fdez. Grandizo/F. Orihuela/J. Olivares/M. Diaz de la F./M. Bertran/M. Rodriguez (Cox)
Composite: España, Flamengo, Regatas Rosario, Santa Catarina |
M. Martinez/M. Sdrigotti/V. Liberati/N. Bodetto/a. menzi/d. oakley/s. maccord/l. barcelos/V. Yuri (Cox)
Greater Columbus Rowing Association |
R. Briggs/J. Smith/S. Quinn/E. Pesta/K. Schulz/D. Parrish/L. Olson/M. Briggs/E. Benford (Cox)
Halifax Rowing Club |
m. amy/d. sally/f. kevin/t. john/n. mike/t. jonathan/t. kathy/m. julie/w. yetta (Cox)
Hanlan Boat Club |
K. Brigley/A. Desand/E. Gallander/S. Erskine/J. Sherrick/P. Heywood/R. Miller/H. McMullen/A. Dhanota (Cox)
Leander Boat Club |
M. Savino/I. St. Pierre/V. Shepherd/N. Giles-Morreale/C. Tanzer/G. Kott/H. Gumulak/B. Dickenson/A. Jansen (Cox)
Composite: Leander, Cambridge |
N. Greig/D. Laroque/M. Repa/C. VanHalderen/C. Carroll/M. LaForme/G. Gage/B. Cherwinski/N. Lebon-Ernst (Cox)
Composite: Passaic River, St. Catharines, Ridley Graduate |
M. Chapman/W. Verbraeken/G. Loucks/R. Lockyer/A. Kent/H. Woznack/D. Cenit/C. Blackwood/H. Blackwood (Cox)
Composite: River City, Glasgow, WARC |
Composite: Riverside, Masters Coaching |
R. Schreiber/E. Cook/J. Sisk/J. Saxelby/S. Imbert de Smirnoff/K. Clark/R. Gould/V. Marchand/R. Nelson (Cox)
Saratoga Rowing Association, Inc./ Saratoga Springs High School |
H. Owen-West/M. Dobis/B. Kercull/D. Romand/C. Holland/S. Festin/C. Fisher/W. MacPherson/S. Stomieroski (Cox)
Composite: University of Rochester Rowing, Western Reserve, Blood Street Sculls, CHARGERS, Vancouver Rowing Club, Genesee |
W. Greene/I. Akgul/J. Gaskin/R. Durham/M. McConkey/D. Schubeck/E. Kno/G. Little/J. Peter (Cox)
Western Reserve Rowing Association |
K. Trimble/M. Healy/B. Mihalcin/M. Shupe/F. Campbell/M. Wheeler/D. Schubeck/Z. Varnelis/C. Kozak (Cox)
407 | Mixed F 2x | 26 |
408 | Mixed A 4x | 7 |
409 | Mixed D 8+ | 8 |
410 | Mixed G 2x | 14 |
411 | Mixed B 4x | 11 |
412 | Mixed E 8+ | 12 |
Avalon Rowing Club |
S. Faber/T. Feaster/C. Swartz/M. Orrick/J. Demers/L. Ensor/C. Raheb/T. Demers/J. Whiting (Cox)
Composite: Cambridge, Los Gatos, MI |
P. Rioux/P. Taylor/T. CBC2/T. CBC3/N. Miner/M. Harper/A. Williams/M. Lamb/M. Ruddell (Cox)
Composite: Craftsbury, Narragansett, Vesper, S.A.C., Paulistano, Cappoquin |
P. Dreissigacker/P. Murray/M. Murray/J. Hooten/S. Hingley/S. Koplewski/S. Hooten/A. Jonik/P. Claflin (Cox)
Don Rowing Club |
G. Dewar/R. Eckles/G. Hauck/C. Hartmann/D. Loucks/K. Morrison/C. Simms/H. MacDonald/M. Braga (Cox)
Composite: Greater Columbus, Severn River, Sudbury |
S. Ruttan/K. Skierszkan/J. Cowling/C. Kealy/F. Jodoin/S. Hengen/P. Hennessy/D. Fuller/A. Davis (Cox)
Lake Union Crew |
S. Hurley/D. Todd/G. Hunt/M. Todd/R. Love/T. Dreiling/C. Dreiling/M. Love/H. Dow (Cox)
Lake Washington Rowing Club |
B. Thoreson/T. Batty/K. Page/K. Rogers/D. Kuehn/B. Thompson/C. Andreychuk/T. McGaw/N. Domingo (Cox)
Composite: River City, Lake Union, Tallahassee Rowing Club, Argonaut, Glasgow, WARC |
M. Roberts/N. Cochrane/M. Falconer/A. Wopat/M. Niculescu/P. Craig/R. McClure/M. Lane/M. Morales (Cox)
Composite: University of Rochester Rowing, Lake Washington, Riverside, Detroit Boat Club Crew, Oak Ridge Rowing, Masters Coaching |
H. Griffin/E. Shanower/J. Sisk/S. Suor/W. Greene/R. Jones/S. Mann-Sweeney/K. Clark/S. Grady (Cox)
Composite: Watercat, Occoquan International |
K. Knickeren/A. Bohlem/R. Alexander/B. Connelly/M. Block/P. Rasmussen/P. Knight/C. Tesarik/D. Gilbert (Cox)
West Side Rowing Club |
K. Wiles/D. Quart/T. Hagner/A. Marino/D. Humiston/B. Laurie/M. Glesk/P. Izzo/K. Cartus (Cox)
Western Reserve Rowing Association |
T. Hornick/J. Gluvna/G. Clark/K. Whitford/B. Blake/J. Clark/E. Gordon/J. Zabor/C. Morgan (Cox)
413 | Mixed H - J 2x | 11 |
414 | Mixed C 4x | 25 |
415 | Mixed F 8+ | 7 |
416 | Mixed A 2x | 23 |
417 | Mixed D 4x | 22 |
418 | Mixed G 8+ | 2 |
419 | Mixed B 2x | 31 |
420 | Mixed E 4x | 17 |
421 | Mixed H - J 8+ | 5 |
422 | Mixed C 2x | 59 |
423 | Mixed F 4x | 14 |
424 | Mixed A 8+ | 4 |
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change