USRowing NW Regional Masters Championship
- Jun 20, 2008 To Jun 22, 2008
- sprint
- Vancouver Lake
- Vancouver, WA (USA)
- Hosted By: USRowing
- 2016 Owned Regatta
Event# | Time* | Code | Event | Competitors | Entries |
Friday, June 20, 2008 | |||||
1 | MixC4x | Mixed C 4x | 6 |
2 | WA+Ltwt2- | Womens A+ Ltwt 2- | 3 |
3 | MF2x | Mens F 2x | 9 |
4 | Mens D+ Ltwt 2x | 6 |
5 | WC+Nov1x | Womens C+ Novice 1x | 2 |
6 | MB1x | Mens B 1x | 8 |
7 | MixD4x | Mixed D 4x | 7 |
8 | WB2- | Womens B 2- | 5 |
9 | MA+Nov4+ | Mens A+ Novice 4+ | 5 |
10 | Womens C Ltwt 1x | 8 |
11 | WE4x | Womens E 4x | 10 |
Unaffiliated (USA) (..) |
L. Brumder/A. Moyers/M. Armstrong/S. Peters
Ashland Rowing Club (A) |
C. Lombardi/C. Tronquet/L. Wingfield/D. Gordon
Gorge Rowing Club (A) |
J. Hambleton/J. Bates-Smith/C. Cooper/K. Bell
Lake Union Crew (A) |
Los Gatos Rowing Club (A) |
J. Pendleton/M. Lamb/J. Hoover/P. Carlson
Martha's Moms Rowing Club (A) |
S. Jennings/K. Bolin/N. Richards/L. Robins
Olympia Area Rowing Association (O.A.R.) (A) |
K. Norelius/E. Garlisch/J. Waeschle/J. Cullen
Oregon Association of Rowers (A) |
A. Schmidt/D. Raile/D. Cornitius/K. Murdoch
Sammamish Rowing Association (A) |
M. Polis/S. Warden/D. Stenson/M. Mayers
Ashland Rowing Club (B) |
C. McLaughlin/J. Crawford/H. Johnson/M. Bashaw
12 | Womens F+ 4x | 6 |
13 | MA+Ltwt2- | Mens A+ Ltwt 2- | 1 |
14 | Mens E+ Ltwt 1x | 8 |
15 | WA+Nov4+ | Womens A+ Novice 4+ | 10 |
16 | ME4+ | Mens E 4+ | 5 |
17 | Mixed B 4x | 4 |
18 | Mens A+ Novice 1x | 14 |
19 | MAA-A2x | Mens AA-A 2x | 3 |
20 | WC8+ | Womens C 8+ | 12 |
21 | MC2x | Mens C 2x | 10 |
22 | Mens AA-A 8+ | 4 |
23 | Womens A 2x | 10 |
24 | Womens AA 2x | 1 |
25 | Mixed E+ 4+ | 5 |
26 | MA+Ltwt4x | Mens A+ Ltwt 4x | 0 |
27 | MixB4+ | Mixed B 4+ | 6 |
28 | MD4x | Mens D 4x | 8 |
29 | Womens B Ltwt 4+ | 1 |
30 | WD4+ | Womens D 4+ | 14 |
31 | Mens B 2- | 2 |
32 | WB1x | Womens B 1x | 11 |
33 | WCLtwt2x | Womens C Ltwt 2x | 2 |
34 | MixAA-A8+ | Mixed AA-A 8+ | 9 |
35 | WD+Ltwt8+ | Womens D+ Ltwt 8+ | 0 |
Saturday, June 21, 2008 | |||||
36 | ME1x | Mens E 1x | 5 |
37 | WE2- | Womens E 2- | 4 |
Corvallis Rowing Club (A) |
Martha's Moms Rowing Club (A) |
C. Crosby/L. Robins
Olympia Area Rowing Association (O.A.R.) (A) |
H. Miller/P. DeNeui
Portland Women's Rowing (A) |
J. Niemer/A. Echeverria
38 | WF+2- | Womens F+ 2- | 2 |
39 | MC4+ | Mens C 4+ | 9 |
40 | WC4x | Womens C 4x | 10 |
41 | Womens A-B Novice 1x | 6 |
42 | MixF2x | Mixed F 2x | 5 |
43 | MixG+2x | Mixed G+ 2x | 6 |
44 | MB2x | Mens B 2x | 7 |
45 | WAA-A8+ | Womens AA-A 8+ | 8 |
46 | MD8+ | Mens D 8+ | 4 |
47 | WD2x | Womens D 2x | 15 |
48 | Womens B Ltwt 1x | 5 |
49 | MixAA2x | Mixed AA 2x | 2 |
50 | Mens B 4x | 3 |
51 | WB4+ | Womens B 4+ | 8 |
52 | Womens D+ Ltwt 4+ | 3 |
Ashland Rowing Club (A) |
J. Cope/R. Eckert/C. Gerking/C. Huffman/B. Hoffman (Cox)
Green Lake Crew (A) |
Martha's Moms Rowing Club (A) |
N. Otterholt/P. Penrose/L. Robins/C. Crosby/J. Harder (Cox)
53 | ME+2- | Mens E+ 2- | 5 |
54 | Womens AA-A Ltwt 1x | 3 |
55 | Womens E+ 1x | 9 |
56 | MixB8+ | Mixed B 8+ | 6 |
57 | MC1x | Mens C 1x | 13 |
58 | MF1x | Mens F 1x | 8 |
59 | WC2- | Womens C 2- | 4 |
Conibear Rowing Club (A) |
L. Ford/S. Clark
Lake Washington Rowing Club (A) |
T. Batty/K. Page
Marin Rowing Association (A) |
L. Hart/B. Merrell
Martha's Moms Rowing Club (A) |
M. Anderson/D. Stanley
60 | MAA-A4+ | Mens AA-A 4+ | 12 |
61 | Mens C+ Ltwt 4+ | 0 |
62 | WAA-A4x | Womens AA-A 4x | 9 |
63 | WD+Ltwt4x | Womens D+ Ltwt 4x | 0 |
64 | MixD8+ | Mixed D 8+ | 5 |
65 | MixC8+ | Mixed C 8+ | 1 |
66 | MD2x | Mens D 2x | 10 |
67 | MH+2x | Mens H+ 2x | 2 |
68 | MG2x | Mens G 2x | 3 |
69 | WD8+ | Womens D 8+ | 13 |
Corvallis Rowing Club (A) |
Lake Washington Rowing Club (A) |
R. Alexander/B. Connolly/T. Batty/K. Page/A. McGhee/S. Kinne/M. Sillman/G. Senear/J. Petrelli (Cox)
Los Gatos Rowing Club (A) |
Marin Rowing Association (A) |
M. May/C. Battani/A. Cummings/L. Short/T. McGaw/L. Edward/J. Kimmel/C. Keller/A. Koorgi (Cox)
Martha's Moms Rowing Club (A) |
M. Anderson/D. Stanley/A. Hess/S. Dean/J. Backman/C. Crosby/N. Richards/N. Otterholt/J. Harder (Cox)
Olympia Area Rowing Association (O.A.R.) (A) |
H. Miller/P. DeNeui/R. Stracener/A. Wade/M. Jensen/J. Waeschle/Z. Vandergrift/J. Cullen/O. Jarnigan (Cox)
Oregon Association of Rowers (A) |
A. Schmidt/M. Frey/K. Murdoch/D. Cornitius/D. Raile/M. Livermore/K. Staples/A. Larson/A. Fernandes (Cox)
Oregon Rowing Unlimited-PDX (A) |
K. Aserlind/L. Jackson/E. Aber/C. Schneider/M. Poirot/M. McCormick/K. Baggett/S. Peters/R. Warner (Cox)
Portland Women's Rowing (A) |
Sammamish Rowing Association (A) |
P. Jonas/W. Stearns/E. Walker/N. Johnson/M. Polis/L. Zimmerman/D. Stenson/D. Morrison/C. Moeller (Cox)
Lake Washington Rowing Club (B) |
P. Carr/D. Atkinson/K. Nguyen/C. Fahrenbruch/V. Crynes/C. Mahoney/A. Dalton/N. Himmel/E. Moeur (Cox)
Marin Rowing Association (B) |
C. Wallenfels/K. Grimes/S. Ford/B. Merrell/C. Brink/S. Grossman/B. Berling/A. Carbone/M. Boland (Cox)
Martha's Moms Rowing Club (B) |
S. Jennings/L. Robins/P. McCabe/M. Heffernan/S. Gulick/M. Berg/A. Vandor/K. Manderbach/M. Havey (Cox)
70 | Mens B 8+ | 6 |
71 | Womens D+ Ltwt 2x | 4 |
72 | WB2x | Womens B 2x | 14 |
73 | Mens E+ 4x | 10 |
74 | MixC4+ | Mixed C 4+ | 3 |
75 | Womens E+ 4+ | 14 |
Ashland Rowing Club (A) |
C. Gerking/J. Crawford/M. Pauly/M. Bashaw/B. Hoffman (Cox)
Bainbridge Island Rowing (A) |
B. Dahn/C. Sheehan/M. O'Neill/N. Rignel/R. Turnbull (Cox)
Green Lake Crew (A) |
R. Scholz/A. Martin/J. Demers/M. Wurster/J. Peter (Cox)
Lake Union Crew (A) |
Lake Washington Rowing Club (A) |
P. Carr/C. Fahrenbruch/V. Crynes/D. Atkinson/M. Holroyd (Cox)
Los Gatos Rowing Club (A) |
Marin Rowing Association (A) |
A. Killpack/L. Edward/C. Sias/K. Coggan/M. Boland (Cox)
Martha's Moms Rowing Club (A) |
A. Hess/K. Bolin/S. Gulick/S. Fowler/J. Harder (Cox)
Montlake Rowing Club (A) |
D. Bartron/J. Abe/M. Laliberte/G. Oistad/S. Oberholzer (Cox)
Sammamish Rowing Association (A) |
P. Jonas/N. Johnson/E. Walker/S. Warden/C. Moeller (Cox)
Bainbridge Island Rowing (B) |
A. Seeley/B. Emel/G. Hawkins/A. Munro/S. Knight (Cox)
Marin Rowing Association (B) |
L. Hart/C. Brink/L. Short/M. Donaldson/A. Koorgi (Cox)
Martha's Moms Rowing Club (B) |
B. Smith/H. Barrett/P. McCabe/P. Penrose/M. Havey (Cox)
Marin Rowing Association (C) |
B. Travers/M. Osteriot/B. Berling/C. Keller/M. Boland (Cox)
76 | MC-D2- | Mens C-D 2- | 2 |
77 | Mixed AA-A 4x | 3 |
78 | WC1x | Womens C 1x | 9 |
79 | MixE2x | Mixed E 2x | 15 |
80 | Mens G+ 1x | 11 |
81 | MA1x | Mens A 1x | 13 |
82 | WAA-A2- | Womens AA-A 2- | 8 |
83 | MD4+ | Mens D 4+ | 11 |
84 | WD4x | Womens D 4x | 11 |
85 | MixE+8+ | Mixed E+ 8+ | 3 |
86 | MixB2x | Mixed B 2x | 10 |
87 | Mens A-B Ltwt 4+ | 0 |
Sunday, June 22, 2008 | |||||
88 | MixAA-A4+ | Mixed AA-A 4+ | 4 |
89 | WB8+ | Womens B 8+ | 8 |
90 | Mens E+ 8+ | 6 |
91 | Womens A-B Ltwt 2x | 2 |
92 | WE2x | Womens E 2x | 12 |
93 | WF2x | Womens F 2x | 11 |
Unaffiliated (USA) (..) |
S. Peters/M. Armstrong
Ashland Rowing Club (A) |
D. Fairbanks/J. Cope
Gorge Rowing Club (A) |
J. Hambleton/J. Bates-Smith
Green Lake Crew (A) |
R. Scholz/A. Martin
Lincoln Park Boat Club (A) |
D. Ziff/J. Demers
Marin Rowing Association (A) |
A. Killpack/B. Travers
Martha's Moms Rowing Club (A) |
B. Smith/M. Berg
Montlake Rowing Club (A) |
S. McKain/M. Swindley
Portland Boat Club (A) |
S. Seyl/M. McCormick
Sammamish Rowing Association (A) |
S. Struzyna/Y. Owen
Martha's Moms Rowing Club (B) |
S. Jennings/K. Bolin
94 | MixD4+ | Mixed D 4+ | 2 |
95 | MixA2x | Mixed A 2x | 6 |
96 | Mens C 4x | 2 |
97 | WC4+ | Womens C 4+ | 12 |
Boulder Community Rowing, Inc. (A) |
Corvallis Rowing Club (A) |
Everett Rowing Association (A) |
P. Lee/M. Keaty/M. Eichinger/A. Foster/B. Rogers (Cox)
Green Lake Crew (A) |
Los Gatos Rowing Club (A) |
Marin Rowing Association (A) |
L. Hart/S. Grossman/A. Cummings/L. Thoron/A. Koorgi (Cox)
Marin Rowing Association (A) |
C. Wallenfels/C. Battani/C. Brink/D. Altobelli/M. Boland (Cox)
Martha's Moms Rowing Club (A) |
J. Backman/M. Heffernan/N. Otterholt/D. Stanley/M. Havey (Cox)
Oregon Rowing Unlimited-PDX (A) |
K. Aserlind/L. Jackson/M. Poirot/K. Baggett/R. Warner (Cox)
Sammamish Rowing Association (A) |
L. Zimmerman/P. Warman/W. Stearns/D. Morrison/C. Moeller (Cox)
Vancouver Lake Rowing Club (A) |
B. Bittner/C. Golberg/L. Brannon/T. Strylewicz-Crossman/A. Snyder (Cox)
Sammamish Rowing Association (B) |
D. Cassidy/L. Place/L. Pederson/G. Scanlan/C. Moeller (Cox)
98 | Womens AA-A Ltwt 4+ | 2 |
99 | Mens AA-A 2- | 4 |
100 | MixD2x | Mixed D 2x | 9 |
101 | MixC2x | Mixed C 2x | 12 |
102 | MA+Nov8+ | Mens A+ Novice 8+ | 2 |
103 | Womens A 1x | 8 |
104 | Womens AA 1x | 1 |
105 | MAA1x | Mens AA 1x | 5 |
106 | WA+Nov8+ | Womens A+ Novice 8+ | 6 |
107 | Mens C Ltwt 1x | 4 |
108 | MD1x | Mens D 1x | 8 |
109 | WD2- | Womens D 2- | 2 |
110 | MB4+ | Mens B 4+ | 11 |
111 | Mens F+ 4+ | 8 |
112 | WB4x | Womens B 4x | 8 |
113 | Womens E+ Ltwt 1x | 4 |
114 | Mens A-C Ltwt 2x | 5 |
115 | Womens D Ltwt 1x | 3 |
116 | ME2x | Mens E 2x | 9 |
117 | Womens E+ 8+ | 8 |
Bainbridge Island Rowing (A) |
J. Stewart/J. Bolton/C. Holloway/L. Desrosiers/A. Seeley/B. Emel/S. Knight/K. Fitzgerald/R. Turnbull (Cox)
Los Gatos Rowing Club (A) |
Marin Rowing Association (A) |
C. Brink/D. Altobelli/K. Coggan/S. Grossman/B. Berling/M. Donaldson/J. Kimmel/C. Keller/A. Koorgi (Cox)
Martha's Moms Rowing Club (A) |
N. Richards/S. Dean/A. Hess/M. Berg/J. Backman/M. Anderson/S. Jennings/K. Bolin/J. Harder (Cox)
Montlake Rowing Club (A) |
M. Laliberte/J. Abe/D. Bartron/P. Compton/S. Safranek/G. Oistad/K. Abramson/A. Wolfe/S. Oberholzer (Cox)
Sammamish Rowing Association (A) |
P. Jonas/N. Johnson/E. Walker/D. Farrow/M. Polis/S. Warden/D. Stenson/C. Espeseth/C. Moeller (Cox)
Marin Rowing Association (B) |
T. Chitnis/L. Short/N. Skidmore/C. Sias/M. Osteriot/L. Edward/A. Killpack/B. Travers/M. Boland (Cox)
Martha's Moms Rowing Club (B) |
S. Gulick/S. Fowler/P. McCabe/B. Smith/A. Vandor/K. Manderbach/H. Barrett/P. Penrose/M. Havey (Cox)
118 | WA-CLtwt8+ | Womens A-C Ltwt 8+ | 1 |
119 | MC8+ | Mens C 8+ | 4 |
120 | WC2x | Womens C 2x | 14 |
121 | Mixed E+ 4x | 11 |
122 | WAA-A4+ | Womens AA-A 4+ | 14 |
123 | Womens C Ltwt 4+ | 1 |
124 | Mens A+ 8+ | 0 |
125 | WA-CLtwt4x | Womens A-C Ltwt 4x | 0 |
126 | WD1x | Womens D 1x | 6 |
127 | Mens D Ltwt 1x | 1 |
128 | Mens A-B 1x | 7 |
129 | MAA-A4x | Mens AA-A 4x | 1 |
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change