Independence Day Regatta
- Jul 2, 2004 To Jul 4, 2004
- sprint
- Schuylkill River
- Philadelphia, PA (USA)
- Hosted By: Schuylkill Navy of Philadelphia
- 2016 Registered Regatta
Event# | Time* | Code | Event | Competitors | Entries |
Friday, July 2, 2004 | |||||
1 | Womens Junior 16 4x | 4 |
10 | Womens Junior 4x | 11 |
11 | Mens Senior 2x | 6 |
12 | Mens Junior 16 1x | 15 |
13 | Mens Junior 2x | 23 |
14 | Womens Junior 1x | 9 |
15 | Womens Junior 16 1x | 13 |
16 | Womens Junior 4+ | 19 |
17 | Mens Junior 4x | 12 |
18 | Mens Junior 16 4+ | 8 |
19 | Mens 2- | 6 |
2 | Womens Masters 4+ | 19 |
20 | Mens Light 2x | 4 |
21 | Womens Light 2x | 4 |
22 | Womens Inter. Light 1x | 12 |
23 | Mens Junior 16 4x | 6 |
24 | Womens Junior 16 4+ | 11 |
25 | Mens Intermediate 4+ | 9 |
26 | Womens Junior 16 2x | 8 |
27 | Mens Intermediate 2x | 23 |
28 | Womens Masters 8 | 12 |
29 | Mens Masters 4+ | 23 |
3 | Mens Masters 8 | 11 |
30 | Mixed Masters 2x | 13 |
31 | Mens 4+ | 8 |
32 | Womens Intermediate 2x | 18 |
33 | Mens Inter. Light 8 | 2 |
34 | Mens Junior 1x | 36 |
35 | Womens Junior 2x | 21 |
36 | Mens Junior 4+ | 19 |
Bachelors Barge Club (A) |
G. McLaren/C. Crowe/W. Frey/R. Nalks/M. Toyzer (Cox)
Boston College High School (A) |
A. Rotheimer/C. Bunnell/R. Deiches/A. Marsh/C. Rosen (Cox)
Brighton Rowing Club, Inc. (A) |
D. Ringo/C. Hamilton/J. Starr/A. Ringo/I. Holub (Cox)
Crescent Boat Club (A) |
J. Hughes/R. Rimkunas/H. Lui/B. McManus/S. Thorpe (Cox)
Fairmount Rowing Association (A) |
G. Yurkow/E. Moran/A. Sujuski/B. Spencer/L. Burmaster (Cox)
Penn A.C. Rowing Association (A) |
T. Haubrich/J. Bown/B. Collins/S. Newark/T. Goldner (Cox)
Princeton National Rowing Association/Mercer (A) |
B. Fraser/J. Novak/W. Boyce/Z. Reuter/H. Guilbert (Cox)
Thames River Sculls (A) |
A. Sutton/K. Betts/C. Goff/R. Brooks/D. Maloney (Cox)
Three Rivers Rowing Association (A) |
S. McCarthy/H. McKeegan/N. Khan/R. Quinn/R. Steigerwald (Cox)
Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia (A) |
J. Fetter/C. Livingston/T. Caruso/M. Sciblo/A. Perry (Cox)
Boston College High School (B) |
M. Kiami/M. Freeman/G. Mahoney/J. Rosen/H. Smith (Cox)
Penn A.C. Rowing Association (B) |
C. North/J. Quigley/P. Dewechter/M. Funk/M. Sagranski (Cox)
Thames River Sculls (B) |
M. Drake/L. Raffo/P. Williams/A. Dagle/M. Querici (Cox)
Boston College High School (C) |
T. Doyle/D. Terriliger/H. Habgood/J. Joyal/Z. Zizza (Cox)
Penn A.C. Rowing Association (C) |
J. Lyons/J. Tamblyn/K. Valkenier/J. Canning/R. Pawling (Cox)
Penn A.C. Rowing Association (D) |
W. Augustyn/C. Trinkle/M. Meehan/W. Mecca/K. Marfilius (Cox)
Penn A.C. Rowing Association (D) |
B. Azeff/D. Golda/M. Keys/D. Talbot/E. Ginn (Cox)
Penn A.C. Rowing Association (D) |
P. Brigandi/R. Kane/R. Martinez/D. Ansel/K. Marfilius (Cox)
Pelham Community Rowing Association (A) |
R. Morris/P. Orlando/M. Durand/T. OConnor/C. Pryor (Cox)
37 | Mens Junior 16 2x | 10 |
38 | Mens Intermediate 2- | 8 |
39 | Mens Inter. Light 4x | 3 |
4 | Father/son 2x (1000m) | 9 |
40 | Mens Junior 8 | 13 |
Boston College High School (A) |
A. Rotheimer/C. Bunnell/R. Deiches/A. Marsh/M. Kiami/M. Freeman/G. Mahoney/J. Rosen/C. Rosen (Cox)
Brighton Rowing Club, Inc. (A) |
I. Holub/J. Starr/C. Hamilton/D. Ringo/A. Ringo/A. Holliday/J. Growney-Levison/K. Moses/B. Spong (Cox)
Nereid Boat Club, Inc. (A) |
A. Couto/B. Erickson/M. Bustard/P. Mahon/W. Crannell/R. Ujazadowski/J. Raiti/S. Rizzo/J. Fandino (Cox)
Pelham Community Rowing Association (A) |
S. Carmody/C. Javor/P. Orlando/M. Paranac/M. Durand/R. Genovese/R. Morris/T. OConnor/C. Pryor (Cox)
Penn A.C. Rowing Association (A) |
B. Collins/J. Bown/T. Haubrich/S. Newark/C. North/S. Fitzpatrick/P. Dewechter/J. Quigley/T. Goldner (Cox)
Princeton National Rowing Association/Mercer (A) |
S. Guilbert/M. Mangiaracina/S. Weber/A. Lewis/J. Leonard/C. Benchley/Z. Rosen/P. Kuhlman/L. Vlock (Cox)
Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (A) |
A. Bagley/D. Cody/J. Stiller/D. Henkoff/R. Klein/P. Pohl/M. Sehr/A. Chudy/C. Lyon (Cox)
Thames River Sculls (A) |
A. Sutton/D. Frydryk/C. Goff/A. Heylmun/M. Drake/K. Betts/I. LeClair/R. Brooks/D. Maloney (Cox)
Three Rivers Rowing Association (A) |
H. McKeegan/D. Tribone/N. Khan/A. Lucia/M. Kelly/N. Ross/S. McCarthy/P. Shay/R. Steigerwald (Cox)
Boston College High School (B) |
A. Fuller/C. Fuller/M. Fuller/A. Cody/C. Catrambone/H. Swados/B. Blum/M. Newguy/H. Smith (Cox)
Penn A.C. Rowing Association (B) |
J. Lyons/M. Funk/K. Valkenier/J. Canning/D. Talbot/B. Azeff/D. Golda/J. Tamblyn/M. Sagranski (Cox)
Penn A.C. Rowing Association (C) |
J. Johnson/D. DiFrancesco/M. Keys/B. Pedley/J. Connolly/S. Wolle/M. OBrien/M. Nechemia/R. Pawling (Cox)
Penn A.C. Rowing Association (D) |
M. Gennaro/G. McNeill/B. Adams/K. Friedlander/N. Barnes/M. Celand/L. ONeill/M. Smith/P. Goldner (Cox)
41 | Womens Junior 8 | 14 |
42 | Masters Mixed 4x | 10 |
43 | Womens 1x | 13 |
44 | Mens 1x | 21 |
45 | Womens Light 1x Dash | 0 |
46 | Mens Light 1x Dash | 9 |
47 | Womens 1x Dash | 6 |
48 | Mens 1x Dash | 3 |
49 | Disabled 2x | 5 |
5 | Father/daughter 2x (1000m) | 6 |
50 | Mens Intermediate 1x | 20 |
51 | Womens Intermediate 1x | 18 |
52 | Mens Inter. Light 1x | 15 |
53 | Womens Inter. 4+ | 12 |
54 | Womens Light 4+ | 4 |
55 | Womens 2x | 4 |
56 | Womens 2- | 7 |
57 | Mens 2x | 4 |
58 | Mens Masters 1x | 39 |
59 | Mens Masters Light 1x | 12 |
6 | Mother/son 2x (1000m) | 3 |
60 | Womens Masters 1x | 16 |
61 | Womens Masters Light 1x | 11 |
62 | Womens Inter. Light 2x | 4 |
63 | Mens Intermediate Light 4+ | 6 |
64 | Womens Light 1x | 6 |
65 | Mens Light 1x | 14 |
66 | Mens Intermediate 4x | 7 |
67 | Womens Intermediate 4x | 8 |
68 | Mens Inter. Light 2x | 12 |
69 | Womens Masters 2x | 17 |
7 | Mother/daughter 2x (1000m) | 2 |
70 | Mens Masters 2x | 29 |
71 | Mens 4x | 2 |
72 | Womens 4x | 3 |
73 | Mens Intermediate 8 | 12 |
74 | Womens Intermediate 8 | 5 |
75 | Mixed Open 2x | 8 |
76 | Mens Light 4x | 2 |
77 | Womens Inter. Light 4x | 1 |
78 | Mens Masters 4x | 7 |
79 | Womens Masters 4x | 6 |
8 | Womens Novice 1x (1000m) | 15 |
80 | Womens 8 | 3 |
81 | Mens 8 | 3 |
82 | Octuple Sculls | 4 |
83 | Womens Open 4+ | 6 |
9 | Mens Novice 1x (1000m) | 10 |
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change