The 138th Royal Canadian Henley Regatta
- Aug 2, 2022 To Aug 7, 2022
- sprint
- Martindale Waterways
- St. Catharines, ON (CAN)
- Hosted By: Canadian Henley Regatta Joint Committee Corporation
- Sanctioned by RCA and Row Ontario (2022)
Event# |
Time* |
Code |
Event |
Competitors |
Entries |
Thursday, August 4, 2022 | |||||
1 | SrW1x | Womens Senior Single - Lady Henley Trophy | 30 |
2 | SrML2x | Mens Senior Lwt Double - Stuart H. Flemming Memorial Trophy | 9 |
3 | U19M1x | Mens Under 19 Single - Anthony | 67 |
Argonaut Rowing Club |
L. Lewis/
Argonaut Rowing Club |
C. Samson/
Argonaut Rowing Club |
E. Li/
Bare Hill Rowing Association,Inc. |
C. Maxwell/
Bare Hill Rowing Association,Inc. |
B. Bluth/
Bare Hill Rowing Association,Inc. |
W. Pharo/
Bare Hill Rowing Association,Inc. |
D. Uhrich/
Bare Hill Rowing Association,Inc. |
M. Hurlbut-Lesk/
Buffalo Scholastic Rowing Association |
J. Carmina/
Buffalo Scholastic Rowing Association |
M. Giglio/
Calgary Rowing Club |
R. Kalaga/
Calgary Rowing Club |
A. LaRochelle/
Cambridge Boat Club |
J. Wang/
Cambridge Boat Club |
L. Taylor/
Cambridge Boat Club |
C. Scherzer/
Cambridge Boat Club |
A. Mozayeni/
Cascadilla Boat Club, Ltd. |
W. Anderson/
Central Catholic Crew (Pittsburgh) |
L. Davis/
Club d'aviron Terrebonne |
X. Bouchard/
Community Rowing, Inc. |
O. Putnam-Bagley/
Community Rowing, Inc. |
P. Fotiadis/
Crescent Boat Club |
D. Bogveradze/
Detroit Boat Club Crew |
L. Allen/
Detroit Boat Club Crew |
M. Roustemis/
Don Rowing Club |
D. Ovdiyenko/
Friends of Brookline Rowing |
J. Apelstein/
Friends of Brookline Rowing |
P. Forman/
Friends of Brookline Rowing |
N. Euvrard/
Friends of Brookline Rowing |
K. Schallies/
GMS Rowing Center |
A. Riney/
GMS Rowing Center |
P. Liston/
GMS Rowing Center |
L. Salazar Anaya/
GMS Rowing Center |
B. Karle/
Great Bay Rowing |
J. Diamonti/
Great Bay Rowing |
N. Weinstein/
Great Bay Rowing |
E. Larson/
Great Bay Rowing |
K. Khalsa/
Hanlan Boat Club |
S. Whittaker/
Hanlan Boat Club |
A. Tracey/
Leander Boat Club |
I. Dekker/
London Western Rowing Club |
K. Mels-Williams/
Niagara Falls Rowing Club |
C. Scott/
Niskayuna Rowing |
C. Anderson/
Niskayuna Rowing |
A. Conrad/
Notre Dame Rowing Club |
A. Perco/
Notre Dame Rowing Club |
D. Krawchuk/
Ottawa Rowing Club |
A. Griesbach/
Ottawa Rowing Club |
B. Grenier/
Ottawa Rowing Club |
L. Kristal-Polci/
Peterborough Rowing Club |
R. Watson/
Red Dog Rowing Club |
S. Dowd/
Ridgewood Crew Foundation |
N. Harris/
Ridgewood Crew Foundation |
M. Manevich/
Ridgewood Crew Foundation |
H. Hersperger/
Ridley College Rowing Club |
M. Radwan/
Ridley Graduate Boat Club |
M. Essig/
Riverside Boat Club |
B. Guenther/
Riverside Boat Club |
T. Green/
Rockford Crew |
C. Balloid/
St. Catharines Rowing Club |
S. Dalton/
St. Catharines Rowing Club |
W. Hughes/
St. Catharines Rowing Club |
C. Murphy/
The Shipley School |
R. Rabinowitz/
Victoria City Rowing Club |
A. Joiner/
Washtenaw Rowing Center |
D. Sirbu/
Washtenaw Rowing Center |
Washtenaw Rowing Center |
P. Martins/
4 | U23WL1x | Womens Under 23 Lwt Single - Harold and Dorthy Cove Memorial Trophy | 21 |
5 | U23M2x | Mens Under 23 Double - Bill and Harry Trophy | 23 |
6 | U19W4+ | Womens Under 19 Cox Four - Kristen French Memorial Trophy | 33 |
7 | U23W2- | Womens Under 23 Pair - (Alex) Sandy Greenhill Memorial Trophy | 21 |
8 | SrM1x | Mens Senior Single - Jack Guest Memorial Trophy | 34 |
Annapolis Rowing Club, Inc. |
H. McAdam/
Argonaut Rowing Club |
A. Carella/
California Rowing Club |
K. Good/
California Rowing Club |
J. Patton/
Craftsbury Green Racing Project |
W. Thompson/
Crescent Boat Club |
C. Seabrook/
Fedemex |
Guelph Rowing Club |
C. Weber-Martin/
Hanlan Boat Club |
A. Vovk/
London Western Rowing Club |
C. Newell/
Marietta Training Center |
E. Coyne/
Marietta Training Center |
J. Saunders/
Marietta Training Center |
G. Riffle/
Montreal Rowing Club / Club d'aviron de Montreal |
M. Bryenton/
Montreal Rowing Club / Club d'aviron de Montreal |
R. Kaiser/
Nipissing University Rowing Club |
North Star Rowing Club |
A. Todd/
Ottawa Rowing Club |
L. Edson/
Ottawa Rowing Club |
P. Mitchell-Brule/
Penn A.C. Rowing Association |
M. Brown/
Peterborough Rowing Club |
S. Willis/
Peterborough Rowing Club |
d. bullock/
Ridley Graduate Boat Club |
L. Austin/
Riverside Boat Club |
A. Younis/
St. Catharines Rowing Club |
M. Finley/
Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia |
E. Tingley/
University of Pittsburgh |
Z. Petronic/
University of Victoria Rowing Club |
University of Victoria Rowing Club |
M. Keane/
University of Victoria Rowing Club |
University of Victoria Rowing Club |
West Side Rowing Club |
S. Rupp/
Western University (UWO) |
M. Doyle/
Whitemarsh Boat Club |
J. Groenendyk/
9 | U17W2x | Womens Under 17 Double - St.Andrews United Church 150th Anniversary | 42 |
10 | U23ML1x | Mens Under 23 Lwt Single - Theo Dubois Trophy | 38 |
11 | SrWL2x | Womens Senior Lwt Double - Fred Loek Trophy | 5 |
12 | U19M4+ | Mens Under 19 Cox Four - W.A. (Al) Ward Trophy | 44 |
13 | SrW8+ | Womens Senior Eight - Henley Island Helpers Presidents Cup | 5 |
14 | U17M4x | Mens Under 17 Quad - John H. Newman Trophy | 18 |
15 | U19W1x | Womens Under 19 Single - Alex Wilson Trophy | 45 |
16 | SrML4- | Mens Senior Lwt Four - Fred Carter Memorial Trophy | 4 |
17 | SrM2- | Mens Senior Pair - William Hamilton Merritt Trophy | 21 |
18 | U23WL8 | Womens Under 23 Lwt Eight - Arthur M. Sims Memorial Trophy | 0 |
19 | U17W8 | Womens Under 17 Eight - Algoma Central Corporation Trophy | 13 |
Friday, August 5, 2022 | |||||
20 | SrWL2- | Womens Senior Lwt Pair - Cookson Memorial Trophy | 5 |
21 | U23M1x | Mens Under 23 Single - W.G. | 40 |
22 | U19M2x | Mens Under 19 Double - Ralph Jaques Memorial Trophy | 68 |
Argonaut Rowing Club |
J. Leung/N. Radhakrishnan/
Argonaut Rowing Club |
M. Miller/C. Samson/
Argonaut Rowing Club |
J. Grabell/J. Godelewicz/
Bare Hill Rowing Association,Inc. |
C. Maxwell/D. Uhrich/
Bare Hill Rowing Association,Inc. |
W. Pharo/B. Bluth/
Bare Hill Rowing Association,Inc. |
M. Hurlbut-Lesk/S. Rao/
Buffalo Scholastic Rowing Association |
E. Izatt/A. Wittmann/
Buffalo Scholastic Rowing Association |
M. Giglio/J. Carmina/
Buffalo Scholastic Rowing Association |
B. Johnson/M. Adams/
Calgary Rowing Club |
M. Sagat/E. Da Silva/
Calgary Rowing Club |
G. Salmon/A. LaRochelle/
Calgary Rowing Club |
R. Davis/V. Ellemers/
Cambridge Boat Club |
L. Taylor/C. Scherzer/
Cambridge Boat Club |
A. Bittner/W. Carroll/
Cambridge Boat Club |
A. Bittner/J. Wang/
Club d'aviron Terrebonne |
X. Bouchard/A. Boisvert/
Community Rowing, Inc. |
Community Rowing, Inc. |
Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc. |
J. White/J. Benson/
Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc. |
L. Miller/s. rawson/
Crescent Boat Club |
J. Getty/T. Blair/
Crescent Boat Club |
R. Spellman/N. White/
Crescent Boat Club |
M. Kennedy/S. Murphy/
Crescent Boat Club |
L. Strain/J. Guza/
Crescent Boat Club |
D. Bogveradze/O. Spiker/
Detroit Boat Club Crew |
L. Allen/J. Tracy/
Don Rowing Club |
L. Chronis/A. Kollmann/
Don Rowing Club |
K. Callahan/C. Pieckenhagen/
Friends of Brookline Rowing |
E. Watson/J. Apelstein/
Friends of Brookline Rowing |
H. Algendy/K. Schallies/
Friends of Brookline Rowing |
B. Vyshedskiy/N. Euvrard/
Friends of Brookline Rowing |
P. Forman/R. Rogers/
GMS Rowing Center |
A. Riney/B. Karle/
Great Bay Rowing |
R. Houlahan/J. Larson/
Great Bay Rowing |
J. Dey/J. Diamonti/
Great Bay Rowing |
E. Larson/K. Khalsa/
Hanlan Boat Club |
A. Tracey/S. Whittaker/
Hanlan Boat Club |
M. Hui/J. liu/
Leander Boat Club |
J. Henderson/J. Guerin/
Leander Boat Club |
B. Durcak/I. Dekker/
Monmouth Junior Rowing Club |
M. Ferguson/T. McGuinness/
New York Rowing Association |
B. Novosyolok/D. Valenti/
New York Rowing Association |
B. GUIDO/C. Kerin/
Niagara Falls Rowing Club |
M. Saylor/C. Scott/
Niskayuna Rowing |
Z. Richard/K. Felicitas/
Niskayuna Rowing |
A. Conrad/C. Anderson/
Notre Dame Rowing Club |
P. Darling/A. Perco/
Ottawa Rowing Club |
R. Lonsdale/E. Coulson/
Ottawa Rowing Club |
L. Kristal-Polci/B. Grenier/
Ottawa Rowing Club |
A. Griesbach/C. Carter/
Peterborough Rowing Club |
G. Suddard/J. Vanderpost/
Ridgewood Crew Foundation |
T. Clark/S. Boogaert/
Ridley College Rowing Club |
M. Radwan/L. McFarland/
Riverside Boat Club |
B. Guenther/T. Green/
South Niagara Rowing Club |
K. Camp/C. Bujan/
St. Catharines Rowing Club |
L. Biancaniello/C. Fernick/
St. Catharines Rowing Club |
M. Harrison/E. Mason/
St. Catharines Rowing Club |
B. Molnar/E. Freeman/
St. Catharines Rowing Club |
T. Marion/F. Kirwin/
The Shipley School |
R. Rabinowitz/W. Antczak/
Thunder Rowing Crew |
T. Morden/H. Sowle/
Thunder Rowing Crew |
N. Labrie/E. Tate/
Washtenaw Rowing Center |
O. Rozek/P. Martins/
Washtenaw Rowing Center |
D. Sirbu/K. Hayami/
Whitemarsh Boat Club |
J. Nugent Jr/C. Boldt/
Whitemarsh Boat Club |
M. Alexeev/S. Wentzell/
Y Quad Cities Rowing |
K. Wagher/A. Anderson/
Y Quad Cities Rowing |
E. Matlock/P. Choudhary/
23 | SrML1x | Mens Senior Lwt Single - Claude (Sandy) Saunders Trophy | 26 |
24 | U23W8+ | Womens Under 23 Eight - Geoffrey Barron Taylor Memorial Trophy | 9 |
25 | SrW2- | Womens Senior Pair - Henley Island Helpers Prestige Award | 19 |
26 | SrM4- | Mens Senior Four - Maurice J. Carroll Challenge Trophy | 16 |
27 | SrM64k4+ | Mens Senior 64kg Cox Four - F.F. | 2 |
28 | U19W2x | Womens Under 19 Double - Thorne Family Trophy | 56 |
29 | U23ML4- | Mens Under 23 Lwt Four - G.W. (Patty) Cline Trophy | 5 |
30 | U23WL2- | Womens Under 23 Lwt Pair - LBW 125th Anniversary Trophy | 8 |
31 | SrWL1x | Womens Senior Lwt Single - Sandra Kirby Perpetual Trophy | 12 |
32 | U17M8+ | Mens Under 17 Eight - Michael J. Broderick Memorial Trophy | 13 |
33 | U23W2x | Womens Under 23 Double - Nancy Storrs Trophy | 32 |
34 | U23M8+ | Mens Under 23 Eight - Wyandotte Trophy | 9 |
35 | SrM2x | Mens Senior Double - Hop Bitters Challenge Cup | 13 |
36 | U17W4x | Womens Under 17 Quad - West Side RC Past President's Trophy | 21 |
Saturday, August 6, 2022 | |||||
37 | SrM8 | Mens Senior Eight - Hanlan Memorial Challenge Trophy | 9 |
38 | SrW4- | Womens Senior Four - Eddie Durnan Memorial Trophy | 10 |
39 | U23M4x | Mens Under 23 Quad - Captain Charles E. Hooper Memorial Trophy | 9 |
40 | U17W4+ | Womens Under 17 Cox Four - Doc and Colena Schaab Trophy | 20 |
41 | U19M2- | Mens Under 19 Pair - | 36 |
42 | U23WL2x | Womens Under 23 Lwt Double - Jack G. Berkout Trophy | 11 |
43 | U17M1x | Mens Under 17 Single - Mike Wilson Memorial Trophy | 37 |
Argonaut Rowing Club |
E. Curtis-Young/
Aviron Lachine (Club d'aviron Lachine) |
M. Rodriguez/
Bare Hill Rowing Association,Inc. |
S. Rao/
Bare Hill Rowing Association,Inc. |
U. Danilovich/
Buffalo Scholastic Rowing Association |
M. Burget/
Calgary Rowing Club |
R. Davis/
Calgary Rowing Club |
G. Salmon/
Cambridge Boat Club |
N. Peters/
Cambridge Boat Club |
A. Mozayeni/
Club d'aviron Terrebonne |
L. Filion/
Community Rowing, Inc. |
Community Rowing, Inc. |
L. Burkley Wohlers/
Crescent Boat Club |
O. Spiker/
Detroit Boat Club Crew |
S. Beleshi/
Detroit Boat Club Crew |
B. Supino/
Detroit Boat Club Crew |
E. Kent/
Don Rowing Club |
C. Pieckenhagen/
Friends of Brookline Rowing |
A. Shiekh/
Great Bay Rowing |
H. Glutting-Gilsdorf/
Hanlan Boat Club |
G. Cinq-Mars/
Leander Boat Club |
B. Durcak/
Niagara Falls Rowing Club |
M. Saylor/
Ridley College Rowing Club |
Q. Kraus/
Ridley College Rowing Club |
E. Leal/
Ridley College Rowing Club |
L. McFarland/
Ridley Graduate Boat Club |
M. Essig/
St. Catharines Rowing Club |
J. Schwandt/
St. Catharines Rowing Club |
C. Hughes/
St. Catharines Rowing Club |
R. Robinson/
Thunder Rowing Crew |
T. MacMartin/
Thunder Rowing Crew |
N. Morden/
Victoria City Rowing Club |
A. Munro/
Victoria City Rowing Club |
R. Finer/
Washtenaw Rowing Center |
L. Jordan/
Washtenaw Rowing Center |
T. Stoffel/
Y Quad Cities Rowing |
G. Matlock/
Y Quad Cities Rowing |
E. Matlock/
44 | SrML2- | Mens Senior Lwt Pair - John L. Murray Memorial Trophy | 6 |
45 | U23ML2x | Mens Under 23 Lwt Double - Thomas Croston Trophy | 13 |
46 | SrWL4- | Womens Senior Lwt Four - Henley Island Helpers 30th Anniversary Trophy | 4 |
47 | U19W2- | Womens Under 19 Pair - Tom McGuinness Memorial Trophy | 21 |
48 | U23W4x | Womens Under 23 Quad - Carl | 16 |
49 | SrW2x | Womens Senior Double - Coopers and Lybrand Trophy | 27 |
50 | U23M2- | Mens Under 23 Pair - Bennet - Hogan Trophy | 22 |
58 | WD8 | Womens Eight Dash - Bell Canada Trophy | 12 |
57 | MD8 | Mens Eight Dash - Donald F. Thom Memorial Trophy | 19 |
54 | WLD8 | Womens Lwt Eight Dash - Wendy Weibe Trophy | 0 |
53 | MLD8 | Mens Lwt Eight Dash - Ralph Gifford Memorial Trophy | 2 |
56 | WLD1x | Womens Lwt Single Dash - John H. Dorr Memorial Trophy | 6 |
55 | MLD1x | Mens Lwt Single Dash - Dave Cornelius Memorial Trophy | 14 |
52 | WD1x | Womens Single Dash - Marie-Lyne Rochon Memorial Trophy | 18 |
51 | MD1x | Mens Single Dash - Murphy Bros Trophy | 13 |
Crescent Boat Club |
C. Seabrook/
Don Rowing Club |
L. Thomas/
Hanlan Boat Club |
A. Vovk/
London Western Rowing Club |
C. Newell/
Montreal Rowing Club / Club d'aviron de Montreal |
M. Bryenton/
Oklahoma City High Performance Center |
C. Palmer/
Ottawa Rowing Club |
P. Mitchell-Brule/
Peterborough Rowing Club |
S. Willis/
Peterborough Rowing Club |
d. bullock/
Ridley College Rowing Club |
S. Keagan/
TBC Racing |
B. Horvitz/
University of Victoria Rowing Club |
S. Payne/
Washtenaw Rowing Center |
M. Koffler/
1PD | PR2Mx2x | Mixed PR2 Double Dash | 0 |
2PD | PR1WD1x | Womens PR1 Single Dash | 1 |
3PD | PR3Mx2x | Mixed PR3 Double Dash | 4 |
4PD | PR2MD1x | Mens PR2 Single Dash | 1 |
5PD | PR2WD1x | Womens PR2 Single Dash | 1 |
6PD | PR3M2- | Mens PR3 Pair Dash | 0 |
7PD | PR3W2- | Womens PR3 Pair Dash | 0 |
8PD | PR1MD1x | Mens PR1 Single Dash | 1 |
RS | RSM8+ | Regatta Sport Dash 4 Cash Mixed 8+ | 10 |
Sunday, August 7, 2022 | |||||
1P | PR2Mx2x | Mixed PR2 Double | 0 |
2P | PR1W1x | Womens PR1 Single | 1 |
3P | PR3Mx2x | Mixed PR3 Double | 5 |
4P | PR2M1x | Mens PR2 Single | 1 |
5P | PR2W1x | Womens PR2 Single | 1 |
6P | PR3M2- | Mens PR3 Pair | 0 |
8P | PR3W2- | Womens PR3 Pair | 0 |
9P | PR1M1x | Mens PR1 Single | 1 |
59 | U19W4x | Womens Under 19 Quad - Thomas G. Gannon Memorial Trophy | 28 |
60 | SrML4x | Mens Senior Ltw Quad - Thomas Edison Lane Perpetual Trophy | 4 |
61 | WC2- | Womens Championship Pair - Suzanne & James Schaab Trophy | 5 |
62 | MC2- | Mens Championship Pair - William J. Cotter Trophy | 10 |
63 | U19M4x | Mens Under 19 Quad - William B.C. Burgoyne Memorial Trophy | 31 |
Argonaut Rowing Club |
J. Grabell/J. Godelewicz/A. Hay/I. Wong/
Argonaut Rowing Club |
C. Samson/E. Curtis-Young/J. Leung/A. Kurvits/
Argonaut Rowing Club |
E. Li/M. Miller/S. Lippold/N. Radhakrishnan/
Bare Hill Rowing Association,Inc. |
C. Maxwell/M. Hurlbut-Lesk/W. Pharo/D. Uhrich/
Buffalo Scholastic Rowing Association |
E. Izatt/B. Johnson/M. Adams/A. Wittmann/
Calgary Rowing Club |
M. Sagat/E. Da Silva/V. Ellemers/R. Davis/
Community Rowing, Inc. |
Community Rowing, Inc. |
Community Rowing, Inc. |
O. Putnam-Bagley/L. Markosyan/H. Saltzman/H. Hansel/
Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc. |
s. rawson/J. White/L. Miller/J. Benson/
Crescent Boat Club |
M. Kennedy/L. Strain/J. Guza/S. Murphy/
Crescent Boat Club |
R. Spellman/T. Blair/J. Getty/N. White/
Don Rowing Club |
D. Ovdiyenko/T. Trzcinski/A. Kollmann/L. Chronis/
Great Bay Rowing |
J. Diamonti/E. Larson/J. Dey/K. Khalsa/
Hanlan Boat Club |
A. Tracey/S. Whittaker/J. Liu/M. Hui/
Monmouth Junior Rowing Club |
N. Whittemore/E. Lee/J. Lilley/J. Penczak/
Niskayuna Rowing |
A. Conrad/C. Anderson/Z. Richard/K. Felicitas/
Notre Dame Rowing Club |
P. Darling/A. Perco/M. Johnston/J. Ross/
Notre Dame Rowing Club |
C. Tirpko/B. David/A. Cooley/A. smouter/
Ottawa Rowing Club |
A. Griesbach/B. Grenier/M. Lokhonia/J. Bon/
Ottawa Rowing Club |
R. Lonsdale/E. Coulson/L. Kristal-Polci/C. Carter/
Peterborough Rowing Club |
G. Coupland/G. Suddard/I. McKay/J. Vanderpost/
South Niagara Rowing Club |
A. Jackson/C. Bujan/J. Alfonso/K. Camp/
St. Catharines Rowing Club |
F. Kirwin/B. Molnar/M. Winslade/E. Freeman/
St. Catharines Rowing Club |
M. Harrison/C. Fernick/S. Parlatore/E. Mason/
St. Catharines Rowing Club |
W. Hughes/L. Biancaniello/C. Murphy/T. Marion/
The Shipley School |
W. Antczak/R. Rabinowitz/J. Richards/C. Kelly/
Thunder Rowing Crew |
T. Morden/N. Labrie/E. Tate/H. Sowle/
Victoria City Rowing Club |
Washtenaw Rowing Center |
L. Jordan/Z. Czartoski/D. Sirbu/K. Hayami/
Whitemarsh Boat Club |
M. Alexeev/S. Wentzell/C. Nichilo/C. Potts/
64 | SrM64K1x | Mens Senior 64Kg Single - R.G. 'Bob' Dibble Memorial Cup | 14 |
65 | SrW4x | Womens Senior Quad - Margaret Gare Trophy | 9 |
66 | SrW52K4+ | Womens Senior 52KG Cox Four - Ronda Henning Memorial Trophy | 1 |
67 | U17M4+ | Mens Under 17 Cox Four - Herb Gray Trophy | 21 |
68 | SrML8 | Mens Senior Lwt Eight - Joseph Wright Challenge Cup | 2 |
69 | SrWL8 | Womens Senior Lwt Eight - People of Port Dalhousie Trophy | 2 |
70 | U23M4- | Mens Under 23 Four - Rodger Sellars Trophy | 18 |
71 | U23W4- | Womens Under 23 Four - Nelles Stacey Trophy | 13 |
72 | SrM4x | Mens Senior Quad - Charles M. Adams Memorial Trophy | 8 |
73 | U19M8 | Mens Under 19 Eight - St.Catharines Rowing Alumni Trophy | 18 |
74 | U17W1x | Womens Under 17 Single - | 39 |
75 | U19W8 | Womens Under 19 Eight - Harris/Fisher Trophy | 17 |
76 | SrWL4x | Womens Senior Lwt Quad - Silver Fox Trophy | 3 |
77 | U23ML2- | Mens Under 23 Lwt Pair - Tyler King Memorial Trophy | 8 |
78 | U23W1x | Womens Under 23 Single - Dr. James A. McMullen Memorial Trophy | 42 |
79 | U17M2x | Mens Under 17 Double - Tank Trophy | 33 |
80 | U23WL4- | Womens Under 23 Lwt Four | 3 |
81 | WC1x | Womens Championship Single - Muir Challenge Cup | 13 |
82 | MC1x | Mens Championship Single - George F. Galt Memorial Trophy | 18 |
7P | PR3Mx4+ | Mixed PR3 Cox Four - Justin Fryer Trophy | 2 |
83 | WC8 | Womens Championship Eight - Brock University 25th Anniversary Trophy | 3 |
84 | MC8 | Mens Championship Eight - Craig Swayze Memorial Trophy | 6 |
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change