Dogwood Junior Championship
- Apr 23, 2022 To Apr 24, 2022
- sprint
- Melton Lake
- Oak Ridge, TN (USA)
- Hosted By: Oak Ridge Rowing Association, Inc.
- 2022 Registered Regatta
Event# | Time* | Code | Event | Competitors | Entries |
Saturday, April 23, 2022 | |||||
0 | Notification of Interest | 21 |
Asheville Youth Rowing Association |
Atlanta Junior Rowing Association |
Atomic Rowing |
Black Swamp Rowing, Inc. |
Dayton Boat Club |
DC National Rowing Club |
Gem City Crew, Inc. |
Girls Preparatory School |
Indianapolis Rowing Center |
Jordan Lake Rowing Club |
Little Rock Athletic Club |
Louisville Rowing Club, Inc. |
Loyola Academy Rowing Association |
North Carolina Rowing Center Inc. |
Parati Competitive Rowing |
Sarasota Scullers |
St. Andrew Rowing Club |
The Milwaukee Rowing Club |
Triad United Rowing Association |
Triangle Rowing Club |
Westerville Rowing Club |
Coaches and Coxswains Meeting (Friday Virtual 7pm) | |||||
1 | Mens Youth 4+ | 18 |
2 | Mens Youth 1x | 18 |
Charlotte Youth Rowing (A) |
Gem City Crew, Inc. (A) |
T. Hurtle
Hilton Head Island Crew (A) |
K. Kubec/
Indianapolis Rowing Center (A) |
C. Boldt
Little Rock Athletic Club (A) |
O. Crank
Louisville Rowing Club, Inc. (A) |
G. Gentry
Nashville Rowing (A) |
J. Regen
North Carolina Rowing Center Inc. (A) |
Parrish Community High School (A) |
H. Lesser
Rocket City Rowing Crew, Inc. (A) |
I. Lerma
Rowing Experiences Advancing Cardiovascular Health (A) |
C. Cox
Sarasota Scullers (A) |
M. DeMassa
St. Andrew Rowing Club (A) |
O. Ensley
Sylvan Scullers (A) |
L. Tompa
Triad United Rowing Association (A) |
J. Griffin/
Triangle Rowing Club (A) |
L. Eward
North Carolina Rowing Center Inc. (B) |
Rowing Experiences Advancing Cardiovascular Health (B) |
E. McCaughan
3 | Mens U17 1x | 15 |
Gem City Crew, Inc. (A) |
J. Phillips
Hilton Head Island Crew (A) |
J. Linkimer/
Huntsville-Madison County Rowing & Watersports, LLC (A) |
Little Rock Athletic Club (A) |
C. Snyder
Louisville Rowing Club, Inc. (A) |
J. Beacham
North Carolina Rowing Center Inc. (A) |
North Charlotte Rowing, Inc. dba Belmont Rowing Center (A) |
S. Isaacson
Parkersburg South HS Crew (A) |
J. Leisure
Queen City Water Sports Center (A) |
T. Zupan
Huntsville-Madison County Rowing & Watersports, LLC (B) |
Queen City Water Sports Center (B) |
J. Boston
Queen City Water Sports Center (C) |
R. Haussman
Queen City Water Sports Center (D) |
d. distel
Queen City Water Sports Center (E) |
C. Hackett
Queen City Water Sports Center (F) |
S. Blatt
4 | Womens Youth 4x | 24 |
5 | Womens U17 4x | 12 |
6 | Mens U17 8+ | 12 |
7 | Womens Youth 2nd 8+ | 12 |
8 | Womens Youth 3rd 8+ | 12 |
9 | Mens Youth 2- | 11 |
10 | Womens Youth 2- | 10 |
11 | Mixed U15 8+ | 3 |
12 | Mens Youth 2nd 8+ | 12 |
13 | Mens Youth 3rd 8+ | 9 |
14 | Womens U17 8+ | 15 |
15 | Mens Youth 4x | 19 |
16 | Mens U17 4x | 13 |
17 | Womens Youth 1x | 16 |
Cincinnati Country Day School Rowing Team (A) |
I. Wang
Gem City Crew, Inc. (A) |
M. Mooney
Gem City Crew, Inc. (A) |
T. Widjaja
Hilton Head Island Crew (A) |
M. Crockett/
Huntsville-Madison County Rowing & Watersports, LLC (A) |
Indianapolis Rowing Center (A) |
P. Miller
Manatee County Youth Rowing (A) |
I. Goitiz Cayer
Nashville Rowing (A) |
North Charlotte Rowing, Inc. dba Belmont Rowing Center (A) |
Y. Murphy
Rocket City Rowing Crew, Inc. (A) |
A. White
Sylvan Scullers (A) |
E. Graham
USRowing (A) |
S. Marold
Cincinnati Country Day School Rowing Team (B) |
A. Deming
Indianapolis Rowing Center (B) |
E. Robb
Manatee County Youth Rowing (B) |
A. Trompke
Atomic Rowing (C) |
S. Kiehl
18 | Womens U17 1x | 10 |
19 | Womens Youth 4+ | 25 |
20 | Men's U16 8+ | 3 |
21 | Women's U16 8+ | 7 |
22 | Womens Youth 2nd 4+ | 20 |
23 | Womens Youth 3rd 4+ | 13 |
24 | Womens U17 2x | 17 |
25 | Mens U17 4+ | 17 |
26 | Womens Youth 2x | 24 |
Atomic Rowing (A) |
R. Duhamel/M. Miller
Gem City Crew, Inc. (A) |
T. Widjaja/M. Mooney
Girls Preparatory School (A) |
M. Meek/A. Pettus
Hilton Head Island Crew (A) |
E. White/A. Syragakis/
Huntsville-Madison County Rowing & Watersports, LLC (A) |
Indianapolis Rowing Center (A) |
B. Dalberg/S. Koroneos
Nashville Rowing (A) |
North Carolina Rowing Center Inc. (A) |
Rocket City Rowing Crew, Inc. (A) |
A. White/H. Ornatowski
Row Georgia (A) |
N. Warren/L. Clark
Rowing Experiences Advancing Cardiovascular Health (A) |
J. Myers/R. Porterfield
Sylvan Scullers (A) |
R. McGeary/E. Graham
Triad United Rowing Association (A) |
A. Bews/S. Kurtiak
Westminster School (A) |
G. Pacifici/E. McDonald
Atomic Rowing (B) |
S. Kiehl/K. Bostick
Huntsville-Madison County Rowing & Watersports, LLC (B) |
North Carolina Rowing Center Inc. (B) |
Rocket City Rowing Crew, Inc. (B) |
H. Farley/M. Beauchamp
Sylvan Scullers (B) |
M. Mackovich/K. Harrington
Atomic Rowing (C) |
F. Cooke/D. Wanderman
North Carolina Rowing Center Inc. (C) |
Atomic Rowing (D) |
L. Dulin/D. SEAY
North Carolina Rowing Center Inc. (D) |
North Carolina Rowing Center Inc. (E) |
27 | Mens U16 4X+ | 5 |
28 | Womens U16 4X+ | 3 |
29 | Mens Youth 8+ | 16 |
30 | Womens Youth 8+ | 18 |
31 | Mens Youth Open 8+ | 15 |
32 | Womens Youth Open 8+ | 16 |
33 | Mens Youth 2x | 22 |
Atlanta Junior Rowing Association (A) |
M. Allemeier/A. Cavanaugh
Atomic Rowing (A) |
D. Peters/J. Trump
Chattanooga Rowing (A) |
J. Cawood/L. Gifford
Gem City Crew, Inc. (A) |
A. Jarvis/T. Hurtle
Hilton Head Island Crew (A) |
J. Pavelka/M. Weitekamper/
Huntsville-Madison County Rowing & Watersports, LLC (A) |
Little Rock Athletic Club (A) |
O. Crank/P. Snyder
Manatee County Youth Rowing (A) |
C. Hurdle/C. Pfalzgraf
North Carolina Rowing Center Inc. (A) |
North Charlotte Rowing, Inc. dba Belmont Rowing Center (A) |
M. Isaacson/B. Nobili
Queen City Water Sports Center (A) |
A. Featherston/J. Swanson
Row Georgia (A) |
E. Goembel/L. Doyle
Rowing Experiences Advancing Cardiovascular Health (A) |
W. Suters/S. Bell
Sylvan Scullers (A) |
L. Tompa/C. Adams
Atomic Rowing (B) |
Manatee County Youth Rowing (B) |
C. Alexander/D. Figueroa
North Carolina Rowing Center Inc. (B) |
Sylvan Scullers (B) |
O. Stout/J. Stammer
Hilton Head Island Crew (C) |
T. White/K. Josiah/
North Carolina Rowing Center Inc. (C) |
North Carolina Rowing Center Inc. (D) |
North Carolina Rowing Center Inc. (E) |
34 | Womens U17 4+ | 18 |
35 | Mens U17 2x | 14 |
Atomic Rowing (A) |
T. Phillips/S. Jackson
Charlotte Youth Rowing (A) |
Cincinnati Country Day School Rowing Team (A) |
S. Rufener/W. Schmidt
Gem City Crew, Inc. (A) |
J. Phillips/d. wenig
Huntsville-Madison County Rowing & Watersports, LLC (A) |
Indianapolis Rowing Center (A) |
E. Gruen/J. Foltz
North Carolina Rowing Center Inc. (A) |
North Charlotte Rowing, Inc. dba Belmont Rowing Center (A) |
M. Modie/C. Boykin
Queen City Water Sports Center (A) |
T. Zupan/R. Haussman
Sarasota Scullers (A) |
J. Perrella/L. Stanaland
Triad United Rowing Association (A) |
C. Hrycay/A. Berg/
North Carolina Rowing Center Inc. (B) |
North Charlotte Rowing, Inc. dba Belmont Rowing Center (B) |
C. Schlumberger/C. Luetkemeyer
Queen City Water Sports Center (C) |
C. Hackett/d. distel
36 | Mens Youth 2nd 4+ | 13 |
37 | Mens Youth 3rd 4+ | 6 |
38 | Mens U15 8+ | 3 |
39 | Womens U15 8+ | 1 |
40 | Mens U15 4x+ | 1 |
41 | Womens U15 4x+ | 5 |
42 | Mens Youth 4- | 6 |
43 | Womens Youth 4- | 9 |
44 | Womens 500m 8+ DASH | 8 |
45 | Mens 500m 8+ DASH | 8 |
46 | Womens 500m 1x DASH | 5 |
47 | Mens 500m 1x DASH | 7 |
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change